I apologize for leaving all of you hanging the last few days; the multitudes worrying if I will ever post another blog. I'm in the middle of a transition from one state to another, from a solid to a liquid, and it can be a bit time consuming.
Also, I have found that some days my brain simply falls right out of my head as I am forced to hear all of the political ads that seem to never stop these days. We are nearing that greatly anticipated event that happens once every 4 years. No, it's not World Cup Soccer, nor is it the Olympics (neither winter nor summer). We could only be so blessed to have one of those events about to happen. As I'm sure you have all guessed I am talking about the upcoming US Presidential Election. <yawn> just saying it makes me tired, and weary. This post is about as political as I will get.
Willie said it best here (although i'm certain he was not talking about the Presidential Election):
although, he may have been high ontop of the White House while writing this song. One can never be sure.
When I was younger, so much younger than today, I enjoyed following the political climate of the world. I enjoyed engaging in political discourse with friends, and tried to keep up with the different people that made up our government. However, that was then. Somewhere along the way I lost all interest. Maybe I just got tired of all the rhetoric that gets slung around. Maybe I decided that none of these boobs (no offense to boobs, I have no problem with boobs) were going to do anything to improve my situation, and took it upon myself to improve my own self. (novel idea, i know). (seriously, boobs are A-ok or DD-ok).
Here we are on the cusp of our quadrennial trip to the polls to punch a button and throw in our vote. I can almost hear the music of the piper as I enter the hallowed halls of the local elementary school cafeteria. Our regularly scheduled programming is shanghaied so that we are given the pleasure of watching "the debates." I use the term debate loosely, as to me it is more of a "whose is bigger" contest. Or an event to see who can get the most and best "zingers" in in the alotted time. If I wanted a President that was good with "zingers," I would vote for Seinfeld, or Chris Rock, or any number of well practiced comedians. Shoot, I might even vote for myself if that were the requirement.
My take on the whole event is that there is no way to really know what any candidate stands for at all. It seems that all they want to do these days is talk about how awful the other guy is rather than tell you what it is they want to do, or how they plan to fix the problems that exist today. Maybe Don Rickles is the man for the job, he was pretty good at getting in verbal jabs. So was Bob Hope.
We have been duped into believing that we have a 2 party system; when the reality is we do not. Anyone can start up a political party, and have a candidate on the ballot. However, the two dominant parties have rigged it so that others do not really get any recognition. Sounds like the American way.
What needs to happen is we need to step out of our labels, and get to the heart of what is going wrong in this country and fix it. That will require innovative thinking. It will require compromise, and it is going to piss some people off. It will mean that we need to rid ourselves of career politicians, and elect people that are willing to think outside of the box; willing to forget that they are associated with a particular party and understand that they are working for America and not working to simply get themselves re-elected.
Let's all be honest with ourselves. I hear people talk about how a candidate LIED. How egregious, and unbelievable to imagine. What irritates me the most about these statements is that the truth is both of them are guilty of telling lies. So please be equitable, please be honest with yourself and be willing to admit that your particular horse in the race lies as much as the opponent. And while we are at it, let me clarify how I think about lying.
When we are called to testify in a court of law, we are asked to take the following oath: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Kind of a funny oath because you would think that all you would need to swear to is to tell the truth. However, each statement is necessary as it's possible to tell the truth, but omit certain facts, or maybe add in unrelated facts. The candidates should be forced to take this oath prior to running for office. The "lies" they tell are not so much completely false as they are "half-truths" or they take data and twist it to fit their point of view. It's maddening. who has the time to fact check all of the crap they sling around, and where do we find non-biased references to do the fact checking. Hear me again when I say that BOTH of them use these tactics. Neither one of them is providing us with the TRUTH. So if you plan to call one of them a liar, please be able to accept that your chosen candidate has also lied.
All of it makes me want to fall into a deep coma and just wake up when it is all over. I'm tired of it all. It does not matter who we elect, as nothing is really going to change. At least none of the major problems are going to be fixed, because that would leave them with nothing to argue about at the next election.
I'm just going to go take my SOMA and be happy with my pre-selected life. Someone wake me when it's over. enjoy the song of the day.
Once again, no offense to boobs.
G and I were talking about this yesterday. She mentioned that she'd learned some things about the Libertarian candidate, and was impressed. We both bemoaned the fact that candidates of third (or fourth or fifth) parties are shuffled away from the spotlight unless they are crazy or have nothing to add to the situation. I've been told by several people that voting third party is throwing away my vote. I can't buy that. When I vote third party, it says that I don't buy into the two party system because the two parties who claim the spotlight aren't effective, and, in many ways, might as well be the same party. (Yes, go ahead and start throwing eggs my way. Hate on me. I know it's coming.) Voting the "lesser of two evils" is not acceptable. As long as we buy into that mentality, we are getting screwed over and acting like sheepies.
ReplyDeleteIf one wants to vote one of the major parties and can do so in good conscience, huzzah! If one wants to vote radically and choose a lesser touted party, huzzah! Just vote.
And don't hate on me because I don't choose your path (not you, Paul. I know you won't).
i've decided to vote 3rd party for the 1st time since 1980, when i voted for John B. Anderson. i know i heard y'all say "who?" he totalled 7% of the vote that year and has a good article on wiki. read it; might help you win a trivia contest or a Jeopardy question.
ReplyDeleteIn Georgia, our choices are the two official state parties and the Libertarian party, which is the only 3rd party i can vote for. we can write in the green party candidate or anybody else but it will make even less of a difference. Mitt will win Georgia by a large margin, so my vote will be a protest vote against the 2 parties.
Many of our other positions being elected have only a Republican running with no opposition, so in those cases i'll be writing in my own name.
Going to be tough if you win a few positions.