It has been many, many moons since I have posted a blog. I can't say that it has been for lack of anything to say, and I am certain that it cannot be from a lack of any of my fine readers' desire to bask in the wisdom I divulge in this here blog type thing. The most probable reason for my lack of posts is simply pure laziness. Certainly, you are all shocked to learn of this character flaw.
What to rant about today?
Social media has been on my mind lately as I've attempted to guide my 13 year old through the many pitfalls of social media. It has been a challenge mainly because it seems as if every day many new outlets for social media appear. It is simply too much to keep up with, and frankly I wonder if we really need that many outlets. My main concern when it comes to my child is the fact that I am uncertain whether she understands the true dangers of being a part of an anonymous global community. She follows all of these supposed celebrities, and she seems to get irritated when I tell her she has no way of knowing that she is actually following that person. I've explained to her that I can set up a social media account and be anyone that I want to be. I can be young, old, male, female, something in between, or none of these things.
It is not that I don't want her to be a part of it all, but more that I worry about who is lurking around out there waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting, idealistic 13 year old. I cannot control the outside world, but I can do my best to control my inner circle. Control is not used in the negative connotation, but rather in a sense that I can be aware of what is going on with my inner circle and guide those in it towards a more positive point.
Let me be upfront and claim a degree of hypocrisy, if you will. I do have a facebook account, and have had it for years now. I am also on Instagram, but I mainly signed up for that so I could follow my daughter and keep tabs on what she is viewing; at least the best that I can. We have set up some ground rules for her to participate with social media, but it can be a bit like a second and third full time job trying to keep up with it all. Not that I am opposed to putting in the work, but at times it is a bit overwhelming.
Facebook has been a great way for me to reconnect with some friends I have not seen in years, but at times I do feel as if I spend way too much time on it, and have often said that it is a time-killer for me. As to other forms of social media I have to admit that I really have no interest. Twitter makes no sense to me. I cannot think of anyone whom I have enough interest in to get constant updates from in 120 characters or less. My daughter is on twitter, and her phone is a non-stop burst of twitter updates. Really? I just don't have that level of interest in other people, especially those of the supposed celebrity variety. Anti-social? probably. Misanthropic? that may be a bit harsh, but probably accurate.
Part of me feels like all of this social media that is supposed to keep us connected has actually led to a giant disconnect. How often do we see people wondering around with their face buried in their cell phone, or some other new technology? Yes, I understand the argument that those people are connected to the people on the other end of that cyber discussion, and I admit to being guilty of the very same action. However, it is a bit odd when I see a whole group of people who are clearly "together" yet they are oblivious to the friends around them. Our worlds have become more virtual, and less a part of the reality around us.
For me, this swerve to a more virtual interaction will greatly inhibit our abilities to interact with real people, and will lead to a society that is less personal. It is to easy to "say" something through social media, that common sense would prevent an individual from saying face to face. Also, it is difficult to determine tone, and true meaning of things said through social media. Someone may say something in jest, or with a tone of sarcasm, but it can be taken literally and be hurtful to those who do not perceive the jest behind the statement. We have also witnessed how easy it has become for individuals to bully others through the "safety" of social media.
I accept social media, and I do see the positives of it, but would like us all to seek a balance in our usage of it. I've always been a face to face kind of person. I never enjoyed phone conversations that lasted more than 5 minutes as I would rather have sat down with that person and had our conversation in person. I feel the same about social media. and yes I see the irony of my talking about this topic through a blog that is posted online. I am an imperfect person.
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