Let me start by getting straight to the song for this post. I believe that I have listened to this song on New Year's Eve every year since about 1984ish., and so I once again shall listen to it in 2012.
Here we all are on the edge of another year being in the past, and a new year just ahead of us. It's an interesting time when most of us will make "resolutions" of positive changes for our lives, and most of those resolutions will be long forgotten within a few weeks. I gave up the practice of make New Year's Resolutions years ago. I began to feel like I was simply setting myself up for failure each year. Making promises to myself that I probably had no real intention of keeping.
I do find New Year's Eve a good time for some reflection. A time to take a few moments to look at where I've been; a chance to consider where things went wrong, and what things went right.
New Year's Eve is also a time when people like to celebrate, and why not? We all now have one more year under our belts. And what says "good job on surviving another year" better than going out mingling with a crowd of people you don't know, and getting hammered? That seems to be the prevalent celebratory function. Making New Year's Day filled with the wonder and excitement that is known as a hangover. Yet others will celebrate by sitting at home and watching one of the many New Year's Eve programs that will include some of the year's big musical artists, and then counting down the seconds to the New Year as midnight approaches.
For me, I usually just sit at home and watch movies and pass out on the couch around 10 PM. I don't like to be on the roads as most people are probably intoxicated so why tempt fate. I have experienced New Year's Eve in Times Square, and while I am glad to say I was a part of almost a million people crammed into Times Square I would have to say you are better off watching it on TV. For one, the "ball" that they drop looks like a tiny speck since it is on top of a very tall building. Secondly, they shut down Times Square. Once you are on the Square, you are not getting back off the Square until after midnight, and since it is packed and closed down at around 430 in the afternoon it is quite a long time to stand there (usually in the cold). On another occasion I had the chance to celebrate New Year's Eve on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Once again, it was packed with people and you had to fight your way into the different bars to get a drink. I was especially impressed with the people who thought it would be a good idea to bring their children to Bourbon Street. My favorite quote from this experience came from a boy who appeared to be 8ish "mommy, what is that man doing laying on the street?" Fortunately, he was not referring to me. I was also surprised on New Year's Day as I was up by 8 or 9 am and decided to walk down Bourbon Street to take in the after-math. The surprising part was not having to step over someone that was passed out on the side walk in front of the hotel, but when I passed several bars that were offering 3 for 1 drinks...at 9AM mind you. I probably should not have been surprised to see that in a city with drive thru daquiri shops.
Along with the parties comes some other strange rituals. Supposedly if you eat black eyed peas and greens to bring prosperity. That may be the reason I flounder in a sea of average financial standings. I have never eaten either of these items on New Year's Eve. Another interesting superstition says that whomever you kiss at the stroke of midnight New Year's Eve/Day is the person you'll spend the rest of your life with, or that your relationship with that person will be strengthened. It is this superstition that has led to many Restraining Orders against me taken out by some seriously high profile, A list celebrities. Due to legal reasons I am unable to list any of those celebrities, but believe me our relationships are as good as they can be after said kisses. Well and from 300 yards away from each other.
No matter how you choose to celebrate this glorious event I wish each of my loyal readers a safe and Happy New Year.
now that it is about 2 hours before the New Year arrives (at least in my time zone) I will probably go to sleep and completely miss the dawning of a new year. which is my normal MO. (modus operandus, not Missouri which would make no sense if I meant Missouri.)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
it's the end of the world
WOW! Has it really been two weeks since I last graced all of my loyal followers with my witty presence? My apologies to all 3 of you for putting up with such neglect. I suppose as long as that check keeps coming in the mail you all will continue to demonstrate such undying loyalty. I am so undeserving.
Yes, I do realize that I'm a week early for the end of the world, but I consider myself to be a planner. I like to be the first to arrive; I want to get the good seats to what I can only assume to be a General Admission event as I have been unable to locate end of the world tickets at either Ticketmaster, or StubHub. Seems to me that if one of those two sites are not selling, then they are not to be found.
The good news regarding the end of the world is that we will find out who wins this season of X-Factor prior to the world coming to what can only be a glorious end, I'll at least get to see the first installment of "The Hobbit," and my sister will be able to celebrate one more year of aging prior to the sudden demise of the world as we know it. The bad news is that the winner of X-Factor probably won't even get that 5 million dollar check before the end, and thus will have put up with all of the stress of the competition for naught.
I must admit that I have a few questions about how this whole end of the world will take place:
Where does it begin? Will it be like New Year's Eve where you can watch the end of the world happen in each time zone? (I'm certain that ABC has already bought the rights to show that live.) Or will it be an all out global demise where it all ends at once? What does one wear for the end of the world?
These are questions that I need answers to before the event takes place. I may need to go shopping for an outfit that is appropriate, and stock up on snacks if it is to be televised. If it is to happen all at once, then I need to take the week off so that I can go and do all those things that I have not had time to do by now. It will be a challenge to squeeze it all in to one week, but I figure some good coke (the powdered variety that smells good) will keep me going for my "End of the World Blow Out. You're all invited. BYOBlow
As for snacks, I have stocked up on Twinkies and Ding Dongs. (the originals, not some crazy knock off). I'll be selling those for about 20 bucks a Twinkie or Ding Dong. Although what the money will be used for is hard to say as the world will be ending. I also plan to have some sausage balls, and pigs in a blanket near in order to balance the sweet with some savory. And bacon, must have bacon on the last day of existence. I"m thinking I'll just wrap bacon around the Twinkies.
I find myself in long bouts of deep contemplation as to how the world will end. Personally, I'd like for some Mayan uprising of a long hidden society that after centuries of obscurity have decided that it is time to say "up yours you Eurocentric visigoths." (only said in their language, and not in English, or spanish.) That would be a sight to see, especially as I am in the middle of a shamanistic mind-altering spiritual awakening. And it satisfies my need for the underdog to ultimately come out on top. And, it's more entertaining than just a simple explosion of the planet. How passe.
Now if this "end of the world" turns out to be some sort of hoax, or just does not come true, I am going to be in a bit of a pickle come the week after said event. I'm sure the recovery time from all that 'snow' and mescaline is longer than I may imagine. Maybe I should just go ahead and plan to watch the event from the Betty Ford Center, or get Dr. Drew on speed dial just in case. But surely those Mayans aren't wrong. I do have reservations about our interpretation of the Mayan calendar so maybe I should just go to work as usual. What a way to go out...at work.
How do you intend to enjoy the final week of the world?
Yes, I do realize that I'm a week early for the end of the world, but I consider myself to be a planner. I like to be the first to arrive; I want to get the good seats to what I can only assume to be a General Admission event as I have been unable to locate end of the world tickets at either Ticketmaster, or StubHub. Seems to me that if one of those two sites are not selling, then they are not to be found.
The good news regarding the end of the world is that we will find out who wins this season of X-Factor prior to the world coming to what can only be a glorious end, I'll at least get to see the first installment of "The Hobbit," and my sister will be able to celebrate one more year of aging prior to the sudden demise of the world as we know it. The bad news is that the winner of X-Factor probably won't even get that 5 million dollar check before the end, and thus will have put up with all of the stress of the competition for naught.
I must admit that I have a few questions about how this whole end of the world will take place:
Where does it begin? Will it be like New Year's Eve where you can watch the end of the world happen in each time zone? (I'm certain that ABC has already bought the rights to show that live.) Or will it be an all out global demise where it all ends at once? What does one wear for the end of the world?
These are questions that I need answers to before the event takes place. I may need to go shopping for an outfit that is appropriate, and stock up on snacks if it is to be televised. If it is to happen all at once, then I need to take the week off so that I can go and do all those things that I have not had time to do by now. It will be a challenge to squeeze it all in to one week, but I figure some good coke (the powdered variety that smells good) will keep me going for my "End of the World Blow Out. You're all invited. BYOBlow
As for snacks, I have stocked up on Twinkies and Ding Dongs. (the originals, not some crazy knock off). I'll be selling those for about 20 bucks a Twinkie or Ding Dong. Although what the money will be used for is hard to say as the world will be ending. I also plan to have some sausage balls, and pigs in a blanket near in order to balance the sweet with some savory. And bacon, must have bacon on the last day of existence. I"m thinking I'll just wrap bacon around the Twinkies.
I find myself in long bouts of deep contemplation as to how the world will end. Personally, I'd like for some Mayan uprising of a long hidden society that after centuries of obscurity have decided that it is time to say "up yours you Eurocentric visigoths." (only said in their language, and not in English, or spanish.) That would be a sight to see, especially as I am in the middle of a shamanistic mind-altering spiritual awakening. And it satisfies my need for the underdog to ultimately come out on top. And, it's more entertaining than just a simple explosion of the planet. How passe.
Now if this "end of the world" turns out to be some sort of hoax, or just does not come true, I am going to be in a bit of a pickle come the week after said event. I'm sure the recovery time from all that 'snow' and mescaline is longer than I may imagine. Maybe I should just go ahead and plan to watch the event from the Betty Ford Center, or get Dr. Drew on speed dial just in case. But surely those Mayans aren't wrong. I do have reservations about our interpretation of the Mayan calendar so maybe I should just go to work as usual. What a way to go out...at work.
How do you intend to enjoy the final week of the world?
Thursday, November 29, 2012
this is the end...
Do not fear as this is not the end of my blog; at least as far as I know. Rather it is the end of the Twilight Movies. Yes, I have seen every single one of these movies. Most of them I have seen twice. Not because I have a deep love for the story, nor because I have chosen between team edward and team Jacob. I have seen most of them twice because I would go preview the movie prior to allowing my daughter to see it. This latest, and last installment of the story is no different.
(i bet you thought i would have "the end" by the doors here, but it's way too long.
Overall, I suppose the movie was alright. I have to keep reminding myself that this story was written for tweenaged girls. Thus the reason that most of the werewolf clan walk around without any shirts, and really have no bearing on the plot in general. Why couldn't some of the female vampires walk around without any shirts? it only seems fair.
I must admit that there are a few things about these movies that I don't really understand.
Why do the Cullens drive a Volvo? Here you have a family of vampires who claim that they "never get tired, never have to rest," and they can run incredibly fast. Why on earth would they ever strap themselves into a Volvo and drive down the curvy, icy roads of the Pacific Northwest? It seems that when they really need to get somewhere they hop into the Volvo. However, when they just want to show off, they run as fast as they can through the woods for no purpose. It's like Harry Potter using magic to make candies, but then when he's in the Chamber of Secrets he just kicks the crap out of the basilisk rather than use magic. Pointless!
Another issue i have is that all of the vampires "sparkle" when they are in the sunlight. SPOILER ALERT!!! There seems to be less sparkling in this final movie. END SPOILER. Maybe they blew the budget on wardrobe for the werewolves and could not afford the CGI necessary for more sparkling. What is this sparkling crap? Of course you're sparkling in the sunlight, because you are about to burst into flames and die a very painful death. Go back into your coffin until the evening, or emulate Barnabas Collins and completely shade yourself from the sunlight should you have to go out during the daytime. Or maybe you can pimp out the Volvo with some illegal window tinting and hide in there until moonrise.
While we are at it, let us discuss your "immortality." Several times Bella is told she is immortal, or that they are all immortal. Then they proceed to rip each others heads off, and kill each other. Were you really immortal you would not have to fear death at all. You'd tell those italian vampires (the vatican? something like that it starts with a V for sure) to "suck it" as you intend to do whatever you want. If you can die by any means, you are not immortal, get it straight. Live a long time? sure. Immortal? let me drive this wooden stake in your heart and we'll see.
Of course Bella has to become a super strong vampire. I call crap on that. Why give one of the worst actresses in the world such power? I found her quite annoying as an actress, and the character in general. Why o Why didn't Joan Jett kick her ass during filming of "The Runaways," and put us all out of our misery?
Honestly, throughout the entire series I kept hoping that some real vampires (maybe some out of an Anne Rice novel who were on a break from any action as Anne Rice spent 5 chapters describing the room said vampires were in) would show up and kick the Cullen's collective ass (as well as the Vatican's or whatever they were called), and show them what real vampires are all about. That would have made the movie much better.
Well, I have seen them all. I'm no worse off for it I suppose. If you can get past the volvo driving, and the damn sparkling, you will probalby enjoy the movie. Maybe I'll see you there as I go see it a second time with my daughter.
(i bet you thought i would have "the end" by the doors here, but it's way too long.
Overall, I suppose the movie was alright. I have to keep reminding myself that this story was written for tweenaged girls. Thus the reason that most of the werewolf clan walk around without any shirts, and really have no bearing on the plot in general. Why couldn't some of the female vampires walk around without any shirts? it only seems fair.
I must admit that there are a few things about these movies that I don't really understand.
Why do the Cullens drive a Volvo? Here you have a family of vampires who claim that they "never get tired, never have to rest," and they can run incredibly fast. Why on earth would they ever strap themselves into a Volvo and drive down the curvy, icy roads of the Pacific Northwest? It seems that when they really need to get somewhere they hop into the Volvo. However, when they just want to show off, they run as fast as they can through the woods for no purpose. It's like Harry Potter using magic to make candies, but then when he's in the Chamber of Secrets he just kicks the crap out of the basilisk rather than use magic. Pointless!
Another issue i have is that all of the vampires "sparkle" when they are in the sunlight. SPOILER ALERT!!! There seems to be less sparkling in this final movie. END SPOILER. Maybe they blew the budget on wardrobe for the werewolves and could not afford the CGI necessary for more sparkling. What is this sparkling crap? Of course you're sparkling in the sunlight, because you are about to burst into flames and die a very painful death. Go back into your coffin until the evening, or emulate Barnabas Collins and completely shade yourself from the sunlight should you have to go out during the daytime. Or maybe you can pimp out the Volvo with some illegal window tinting and hide in there until moonrise.
While we are at it, let us discuss your "immortality." Several times Bella is told she is immortal, or that they are all immortal. Then they proceed to rip each others heads off, and kill each other. Were you really immortal you would not have to fear death at all. You'd tell those italian vampires (the vatican? something like that it starts with a V for sure) to "suck it" as you intend to do whatever you want. If you can die by any means, you are not immortal, get it straight. Live a long time? sure. Immortal? let me drive this wooden stake in your heart and we'll see.
Of course Bella has to become a super strong vampire. I call crap on that. Why give one of the worst actresses in the world such power? I found her quite annoying as an actress, and the character in general. Why o Why didn't Joan Jett kick her ass during filming of "The Runaways," and put us all out of our misery?
Honestly, throughout the entire series I kept hoping that some real vampires (maybe some out of an Anne Rice novel who were on a break from any action as Anne Rice spent 5 chapters describing the room said vampires were in) would show up and kick the Cullen's collective ass (as well as the Vatican's or whatever they were called), and show them what real vampires are all about. That would have made the movie much better.
Well, I have seen them all. I'm no worse off for it I suppose. If you can get past the volvo driving, and the damn sparkling, you will probalby enjoy the movie. Maybe I'll see you there as I go see it a second time with my daughter.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thanksgiving with a capital T, and that stands for Trouble.
Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone. A day when we gather together with friends and family and cram food into our face as if we are ducks being groomed to produce foie gras, and then lounge around in a glassy eyed stupor to celebrate some ambiguous idea whose roots have long been uncertain. We attribute our day of gorging to some feast that the pilgrims may or may not have really had, and which may or may not have included Native Americans (the Indians to some of you.) I suppose it could have taken place, maybe a chance to fatten up the opposition prior to relocating them to other lands.
For my international followers I will attempt to summarize some of the traditions that seem to be common to most families in the USA. Then I will delight you with tales of joy and wonderment from my family.
Thanksgiving is a day where most families tend to come together to watch each other eat as if they have been on a hunger strike for the last decade. This is the day in which more turkey is consumed than any other day of the calendar. It makes me wonder if there are small turkey factions who have created "Thanksgiving bunkers." Places where they can take their families and hide away from the crazed turkey hunter to avoid having breaded stuffing unceremoniously lodged in their nether regions. A bunker stocked with enough grain to get through the one day of turkey armageddon. Sounds like a reality show in the making.
Of course turkey is not the only thing present on the table. Each family will have a myriad of casseroles. Casseroles are how we take everything healthy about different vegetables and toss it out the window. Add as much butter, cream, lard or other fatty product along with some sort of breading to any vegetable, and you have a casserole. For many who do not like vegetables, this is the way to go as the fatty content helps them slide right on down the gullet, and you can feel good because you have eaten your vegetables for the year. Chase that down with the ubiquitous stuffing/dressing and you are ripe for a shamanistic after dinner experience complete with hallucinations.
Let us not forget the cranberry sauce. That gelatinous substance that magically takes on the appearance of an aluminum can. It's red, and wiggles like jello. How can it not be good? Seriously, I have never eaten the gelatinous mass, so I don't know.
Other common side dishes which are not as funny as cranberry sauce include: rolls, yams, or sweet potatoes in some buttery concoction, green bean casserole (probably not present at the aforementioned pilgrim feast. if it existed,) corn, maybe even some ham, and stuffing/dressing (think bread with boiled eggs, celery and some spices in it. not a fan.)
Stuffing is interesting because it is one of those dishes that you either love or hate. Personally, I do not like it. Here in the USA, if you tell someone that you hate a particular dish the required response from that person is: "oh, but you have not tried my stuffing (or other hated food.)" Of course I have not tried it because as you may know I HATE stuffing. Unless you are Hermione Granger and can magically turn stuffing into a plate full of brownies, or at least distract me with your hotness, then i'm not interested.
Then of course you will find various combinations of pies, cakes, and desserts of all kinds. This is the coup de grace (which is defined as the merciful death blow to a suffering creature.) A term certainly developed with Thanksgiving in mind. It is not unusual to find entire families in various states of a coma immediately after this course of the dinner.
Turkey sandwiches are soon to follow.
Our family has decided to take a different tack the last few years. At some point in time my father has decided that he "hates turkey, and always has. " Quite the revelation after having turkey pretty much every thanksgiving for almost 70 years. We have Thanksgiving Chicken. A bird that lives in fear every day of the year rather than just one.
The rest of our meal is similar to that listed above. Each dish seems to have been adopted by a member of the family, who is responsible for making that dish while my mom stands over them like a French Chef barking orders at some newbie in his kitchen; wooden spoon, or other convenient kitchen utensil, in hand ready to correct any misstep.
After dinner we congregate around the living room, and usually will watch a movie marathon, which is a whole other blog. Watching movies with my family. I will work on that in a few days.
Hopefully most of you are coming out of the coma, and getting ready for another round.
For my international followers I will attempt to summarize some of the traditions that seem to be common to most families in the USA. Then I will delight you with tales of joy and wonderment from my family.
Thanksgiving is a day where most families tend to come together to watch each other eat as if they have been on a hunger strike for the last decade. This is the day in which more turkey is consumed than any other day of the calendar. It makes me wonder if there are small turkey factions who have created "Thanksgiving bunkers." Places where they can take their families and hide away from the crazed turkey hunter to avoid having breaded stuffing unceremoniously lodged in their nether regions. A bunker stocked with enough grain to get through the one day of turkey armageddon. Sounds like a reality show in the making.
Of course turkey is not the only thing present on the table. Each family will have a myriad of casseroles. Casseroles are how we take everything healthy about different vegetables and toss it out the window. Add as much butter, cream, lard or other fatty product along with some sort of breading to any vegetable, and you have a casserole. For many who do not like vegetables, this is the way to go as the fatty content helps them slide right on down the gullet, and you can feel good because you have eaten your vegetables for the year. Chase that down with the ubiquitous stuffing/dressing and you are ripe for a shamanistic after dinner experience complete with hallucinations.
Let us not forget the cranberry sauce. That gelatinous substance that magically takes on the appearance of an aluminum can. It's red, and wiggles like jello. How can it not be good? Seriously, I have never eaten the gelatinous mass, so I don't know.
Other common side dishes which are not as funny as cranberry sauce include: rolls, yams, or sweet potatoes in some buttery concoction, green bean casserole (probably not present at the aforementioned pilgrim feast. if it existed,) corn, maybe even some ham, and stuffing/dressing (think bread with boiled eggs, celery and some spices in it. not a fan.)
Stuffing is interesting because it is one of those dishes that you either love or hate. Personally, I do not like it. Here in the USA, if you tell someone that you hate a particular dish the required response from that person is: "oh, but you have not tried my stuffing (or other hated food.)" Of course I have not tried it because as you may know I HATE stuffing. Unless you are Hermione Granger and can magically turn stuffing into a plate full of brownies, or at least distract me with your hotness, then i'm not interested.
Then of course you will find various combinations of pies, cakes, and desserts of all kinds. This is the coup de grace (which is defined as the merciful death blow to a suffering creature.) A term certainly developed with Thanksgiving in mind. It is not unusual to find entire families in various states of a coma immediately after this course of the dinner.
Turkey sandwiches are soon to follow.
Our family has decided to take a different tack the last few years. At some point in time my father has decided that he "hates turkey, and always has. " Quite the revelation after having turkey pretty much every thanksgiving for almost 70 years. We have Thanksgiving Chicken. A bird that lives in fear every day of the year rather than just one.
The rest of our meal is similar to that listed above. Each dish seems to have been adopted by a member of the family, who is responsible for making that dish while my mom stands over them like a French Chef barking orders at some newbie in his kitchen; wooden spoon, or other convenient kitchen utensil, in hand ready to correct any misstep.
After dinner we congregate around the living room, and usually will watch a movie marathon, which is a whole other blog. Watching movies with my family. I will work on that in a few days.
Hopefully most of you are coming out of the coma, and getting ready for another round.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I'm too sexy...
It is official; People Magazine has named their "sexiest man alive" for 2012. I'm not really sure how this proclamation works. If someone is the sexiest man alive, shouldn't they carry that title until they are...I don't know...no longer alive? How can you be sexiest man alive in 2012, and then in 2013 you're little more than chopped liver? What happened in the span of 365 days? All a little suspect if you ask me.
Let's face it, the title itself is a bit dubious. "Sexiest Man Alive." What they mean to say is "sexiest man that is starring in a movie this year." That seems to narrow the playing field significantly. I mean the title that exists would suggest that the editors, or people in charge of deciding such important issues, have travelled the globe extensively, and met a significant portion of the male population in order to truly claim that Channing Tatum is indeed the "sexiest man alive." As a very sexy man, I take umbrage with this arbitrary narrowing of the field.
And what happens to former "Sexiest Men Alive?" Is there a support group for the almost certain depression that follows the inevitable fall from great heights? You rise to the pinnacle of sexiness, and 365.25 days later you might as well be working in a coal mine. (I'm sure plenty of sexy men work in coal mines, no offense meant.) Has Clooney turned to the bottle to drown his sorrows? Or does he now have the time to focus on making less movies like The Goat Whisperer, Men Who Stare at Goats, or whatever it was called, and more movies like Ocean's 27? The gang gets back together, but due to Clooney's (and Brad Pitt's and Matt Damon's) loss of stature they decide to knock of Harrah's in Cherokee, NC, where a "snatch and grab" jos IS all it really takes.
Let me pause for a moment to talk about the Ocean's 11 series of movies. We have Ocean's 11, Ocean's 12, and Ocean's 13. Ocean's 11 is titled such because...well...the crew had 11 members. While I find the subsequent titles of Ocean's 12 and Ocean's 13 quite clever, they are inaccurate. Ocean's crew did not increase in membership. Billy Ocean did not become the band of thieves Bard. It remained Ocean's 11. I found myself constantly counting the crew members in each sequel, and thus missing the moral of each subsequent movie which is that apparently crime does pay. but only if 3 members of your crew are former "sexiest men alive". sorry for the aside.
Back to the "sexiest man alive." Let us also discuss the double standard that exists in this world. It's ok to have the "sexiest man alive," where the only qualifications I can find is that the guy was in a movie that year, and he probably makes women drool. (ok Nick Nolte probably did not make anyone drool, clearly the people at PEOPLE were stoned that year). Now if us men were to even mention how hot any particular actress is, much less call her the sexiest woman alive, we would be labeled pigs. Those of us fortunate enough to have significant others in our lives would have to hear endless diatribes about "you think she's better looking than me; what's she got that I don't have?" It's ok to have "magic mike?" which apparently had no real plot, and probably should have been in 3-D. But let us make "Bewitching Bella," and there will be hell to pay.
And finally, if you are a member of a minority group you should be outraged. Apparently, Denzel is the only Sexiest Man Alive that is a minority.
My advice to Channing Tatum is to go ahead and stock up on your Xanax and Vodka, because you now only have 364 days to enjoy your title. Get out of bed, and get to enjoying the benefits that will come along with being the "sexiest man alive." Take it from me, a very sexy man, that it's all kicks and giggles at first, but it can be a burden being so sexy.
you had to see that one coming.
Let's face it, the title itself is a bit dubious. "Sexiest Man Alive." What they mean to say is "sexiest man that is starring in a movie this year." That seems to narrow the playing field significantly. I mean the title that exists would suggest that the editors, or people in charge of deciding such important issues, have travelled the globe extensively, and met a significant portion of the male population in order to truly claim that Channing Tatum is indeed the "sexiest man alive." As a very sexy man, I take umbrage with this arbitrary narrowing of the field.
And what happens to former "Sexiest Men Alive?" Is there a support group for the almost certain depression that follows the inevitable fall from great heights? You rise to the pinnacle of sexiness, and 365.25 days later you might as well be working in a coal mine. (I'm sure plenty of sexy men work in coal mines, no offense meant.) Has Clooney turned to the bottle to drown his sorrows? Or does he now have the time to focus on making less movies like The Goat Whisperer, Men Who Stare at Goats, or whatever it was called, and more movies like Ocean's 27? The gang gets back together, but due to Clooney's (and Brad Pitt's and Matt Damon's) loss of stature they decide to knock of Harrah's in Cherokee, NC, where a "snatch and grab" jos IS all it really takes.
Let me pause for a moment to talk about the Ocean's 11 series of movies. We have Ocean's 11, Ocean's 12, and Ocean's 13. Ocean's 11 is titled such because...well...the crew had 11 members. While I find the subsequent titles of Ocean's 12 and Ocean's 13 quite clever, they are inaccurate. Ocean's crew did not increase in membership. Billy Ocean did not become the band of thieves Bard. It remained Ocean's 11. I found myself constantly counting the crew members in each sequel, and thus missing the moral of each subsequent movie which is that apparently crime does pay. but only if 3 members of your crew are former "sexiest men alive". sorry for the aside.
Back to the "sexiest man alive." Let us also discuss the double standard that exists in this world. It's ok to have the "sexiest man alive," where the only qualifications I can find is that the guy was in a movie that year, and he probably makes women drool. (ok Nick Nolte probably did not make anyone drool, clearly the people at PEOPLE were stoned that year). Now if us men were to even mention how hot any particular actress is, much less call her the sexiest woman alive, we would be labeled pigs. Those of us fortunate enough to have significant others in our lives would have to hear endless diatribes about "you think she's better looking than me; what's she got that I don't have?" It's ok to have "magic mike?" which apparently had no real plot, and probably should have been in 3-D. But let us make "Bewitching Bella," and there will be hell to pay.
And finally, if you are a member of a minority group you should be outraged. Apparently, Denzel is the only Sexiest Man Alive that is a minority.
My advice to Channing Tatum is to go ahead and stock up on your Xanax and Vodka, because you now only have 364 days to enjoy your title. Get out of bed, and get to enjoying the benefits that will come along with being the "sexiest man alive." Take it from me, a very sexy man, that it's all kicks and giggles at first, but it can be a burden being so sexy.
you had to see that one coming.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
For your eyes only
Last night I began to write a post about my recent viewing of the movie "skyfall." As the words began to pour out of my fingertips I realized that some people may want to experience the movie without certain knowledge. Some may not want to know that in "Skyfall" it is determined that James Bond is actually from New Zealand, and is dismissed from MI6. Most probably do not care to know beforehand that Moneypenny is a drag queen. And others would like to be surprised to hear that Q is actually X, Q's wicked twin brother. (because in the movies, twins are always wicked. It's the law.) However, I am certain that all of my female readers would love to know exactly how many seconds Daniel Craig is naked in the movie, but I would not want to ruin the movie for anyone.
I had reached about the halfway point of my post, and thought to myself that possibly my loyal readers would prefer a chance to see the movie before reading about it. Therefore, I deleted the entire sentence that I wrote. Here we are 8 hours later; the movie has been out for over 24 hours, and if you have not seen it by now well, let's be frank, you probably just aren't going to see it as any REAL fan of James Bond would have snuck onto the set while they were shooting the film and forced their way into each scene.
Honestly, I don't believe there are really any spoilers in this blog. So read on without any fears.
Let's get straight to it. When a person mentions anything about a new James Bond film 2 things come to mind immediately: who is singing the theme song, and who is the new Bond girl? well, maybe a third: who is going to be James Bond? The third is easy to answer this time as it is Daniel Craig again. The new theme song is performed by Adele. I was about to leave the movie when I heard the song come on, because I believe that Adele has been overplayed. Her 15 minutes are up, can we please move on. I'm not a big fan. Besides, we all know that the best Bond theme song is the following:
As for the new Bond girl (BTW- shouldn't it at least be Bond Woman? as bond girl is a little creepy) you will not be disappointed. Unless you just aren't into women. If that is the case refer to point 3, and you have Daniel Craig, so please do not take my Bond woman away. The new woman is Bérénice Marlohe, and let's face it they could have made an entire movie about her just sitting in a Waffle House and i would have watched it. As all past Bond girls, she is quite sexy even if she is French (inside joke for some of my friends.) Since James Bond seems to go through Bond Girls like a kid going through his Hallween candy we have quite a number of past Bond Girls, and you are probably expecting me to post a picture of my favorite Bond girl, but I do not have a favorite Bond girl as James Bond has impeccable taste in women. Much like myself. I appreciate all past Bond women equally. Therefore, why just pick one.
Usually, with the release of a new James Bond movie the debate of "who is the best Bond" always starts. I will admit that I am not a James Bond aficionado. I generally do not engage in this debate. I know that most of my friends believe that Sean Connery holds that title. I do like Daniel Craig as James Bond, and hope that he continues in the role in future movies.
Now on to "Skyfall."
I enjoyed the movie a great deal. In fact, I probably will go see it again. I will not discuss the major plot lines at all, however, be prepared for some surprises. The minor plot line that caught my attention is how they address that Bond is an aging field agent. They put him through some tests: physical, mental and psychological. All of which he fails. But in typical 007 fashion he proves that none of those tests can determine how good of a field agent one can be, and then he commences to kick bad guy ass. close curtain, lots of cheering.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the performance by Javier Bardem. I first saw him in "No Country for Old Men," and was blown away by his perfomance in that movie. I was not disappointed in any way with his perfomance as Silva. Bardem has a penchant for playing quirky characters, and he really delivers with this performance.
Hopefully, I have not ruined the film in any way for my loyal subjects (i mean readers). I encourage you to go see this movie.

Seriously, Berenice, call me. I'm single, and was just kidding about all the other Bond girls being as awesome as you.
I had reached about the halfway point of my post, and thought to myself that possibly my loyal readers would prefer a chance to see the movie before reading about it. Therefore, I deleted the entire sentence that I wrote. Here we are 8 hours later; the movie has been out for over 24 hours, and if you have not seen it by now well, let's be frank, you probably just aren't going to see it as any REAL fan of James Bond would have snuck onto the set while they were shooting the film and forced their way into each scene.
Honestly, I don't believe there are really any spoilers in this blog. So read on without any fears.
Let's get straight to it. When a person mentions anything about a new James Bond film 2 things come to mind immediately: who is singing the theme song, and who is the new Bond girl? well, maybe a third: who is going to be James Bond? The third is easy to answer this time as it is Daniel Craig again. The new theme song is performed by Adele. I was about to leave the movie when I heard the song come on, because I believe that Adele has been overplayed. Her 15 minutes are up, can we please move on. I'm not a big fan. Besides, we all know that the best Bond theme song is the following:
As for the new Bond girl (BTW- shouldn't it at least be Bond Woman? as bond girl is a little creepy) you will not be disappointed. Unless you just aren't into women. If that is the case refer to point 3, and you have Daniel Craig, so please do not take my Bond woman away. The new woman is Bérénice Marlohe, and let's face it they could have made an entire movie about her just sitting in a Waffle House and i would have watched it. As all past Bond girls, she is quite sexy even if she is French (inside joke for some of my friends.) Since James Bond seems to go through Bond Girls like a kid going through his Hallween candy we have quite a number of past Bond Girls, and you are probably expecting me to post a picture of my favorite Bond girl, but I do not have a favorite Bond girl as James Bond has impeccable taste in women. Much like myself. I appreciate all past Bond women equally. Therefore, why just pick one.
Usually, with the release of a new James Bond movie the debate of "who is the best Bond" always starts. I will admit that I am not a James Bond aficionado. I generally do not engage in this debate. I know that most of my friends believe that Sean Connery holds that title. I do like Daniel Craig as James Bond, and hope that he continues in the role in future movies.
Now on to "Skyfall."
I enjoyed the movie a great deal. In fact, I probably will go see it again. I will not discuss the major plot lines at all, however, be prepared for some surprises. The minor plot line that caught my attention is how they address that Bond is an aging field agent. They put him through some tests: physical, mental and psychological. All of which he fails. But in typical 007 fashion he proves that none of those tests can determine how good of a field agent one can be, and then he commences to kick bad guy ass. close curtain, lots of cheering.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the performance by Javier Bardem. I first saw him in "No Country for Old Men," and was blown away by his perfomance in that movie. I was not disappointed in any way with his perfomance as Silva. Bardem has a penchant for playing quirky characters, and he really delivers with this performance.
Hopefully, I have not ruined the film in any way for my loyal subjects (i mean readers). I encourage you to go see this movie.

Seriously, Berenice, call me. I'm single, and was just kidding about all the other Bond girls being as awesome as you.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
young americans
I found myself watching a show called "Life After Top Chef" on On Demand this morning. Well, I was watching it until my fabulous cable company decided that for some reason I could no longer watch that show at this time. They seem to fail quite regularly when it comes to delivering shows On Demand. I guess I did not read the fine print that says it is On THEIR Demand and not mine. I am a pretty big fan of "Top Chef," and began watching this show merely because I think that Jen Carroll is quite easy on the eyes. "Hot" as the younger generation might say. I would gladly let her date me, but I digress. This blog is less about food and more about not food. Seriously, Jen Carroll, if you are reading this blog call me. Day or night.
As I was watching the few minutes of this particular episode that I was allowed to watch by bubba's cable company, Fabio made a comment about the American Dream (noted as AD in this blog) and that got me thinking. Scary I know, and yes I do feel a migraine coming on now. Fabio (not the one on the covers of romance novels, but the chef) grew up in Italy, and came to America 5 years ago. He has been successful as a chef/businessman. He said he is living the American Dream. Apparently he works about 40 hours a day in order to live that dream.
What does the American Dream mean? Does it require working yourself into oblivion? Working so much that you have no time for friends, family, proper rest and relaxation? Where do we draw the line and say enough is enough? Of course I have songs for it.
Advertising executives might have you believe that the AD is wearing the right clothes, drinking the right vodka, eating at the right restaurants, and happiness will abound. I've worn some of those clothes (sorry but skinny jeans will never find their way onto my body), I've drank the "right" vodkas/rum/bourbon/beer in various combinations. I've eaten at many nice restaurants. Let me tell you that none of those things compare to the joy I feel when I hear my daughter laugh at something stupid I have done to elicit that laugh. That laughter is the essence of the AD to me.
I remember one day, many years ago, they opened a new Super Target near her house. (yes, i am aware of the irony surrounding my story as we went to consumerists mecca). We journey to Mecca several times a week. She had been to this particular store before, but I had not. She kept telling me how big the store was compared to the dinky little target that was 5 miles down the road. We pull into the parking lot and I just let out a string of "Woos" as I feign surprise at how large the store is. At first, she had a look in her eye like I might need to be committed to some institution, and hopefully they still make use of electric shock therapy. Then she realized while I may be insane, I'm pretty damned entertaining and she started laughing and could not stop laughing. The real benefit of being able to make people laugh is not that it makes you feel good, it is that it keeps them from sending you to Uncle Jethro's Mid-Western Facility for the Clinically Insane that is conveniently located in Guam.
I believe that at one time my vision of the AD was having a big ol' pile of money that I could roll around in like a pile of freshly raked leaves in the fall. And while I would not shun that pile of dough, I feel as if my views have changed as I have aged. Now, I think that the AD is more about spending quality time with my friends and family. Taking some time out for myself. Stopping to smell the roses if you will. I've worked 6 days a week before, and quite frankly it sucked.
Now I'm not saying I support a vow of poverty. Not quite ready to join the monastery, wear a woolen robe and chant all day long. I'm just saying that I value interactions with the world around me more than I value material things.
What might your idea of the American Dream be? How far are you willing to go to achieve that dream?
I am aware that I used to plural "songs" earlier, and I did not lie. Nor did I make an grammatical mistake. At least not one that has to do with using a plural noun.
yes, i know this song is about heroin use, but maybe the American Dream is like heroin for some. "I used to do a little, but a little wouldn't do, so a little got more and more."
well, i must go pack so I can move.
As I was watching the few minutes of this particular episode that I was allowed to watch by bubba's cable company, Fabio made a comment about the American Dream (noted as AD in this blog) and that got me thinking. Scary I know, and yes I do feel a migraine coming on now. Fabio (not the one on the covers of romance novels, but the chef) grew up in Italy, and came to America 5 years ago. He has been successful as a chef/businessman. He said he is living the American Dream. Apparently he works about 40 hours a day in order to live that dream.
What does the American Dream mean? Does it require working yourself into oblivion? Working so much that you have no time for friends, family, proper rest and relaxation? Where do we draw the line and say enough is enough? Of course I have songs for it.
Advertising executives might have you believe that the AD is wearing the right clothes, drinking the right vodka, eating at the right restaurants, and happiness will abound. I've worn some of those clothes (sorry but skinny jeans will never find their way onto my body), I've drank the "right" vodkas/rum/bourbon/beer in various combinations. I've eaten at many nice restaurants. Let me tell you that none of those things compare to the joy I feel when I hear my daughter laugh at something stupid I have done to elicit that laugh. That laughter is the essence of the AD to me.
I remember one day, many years ago, they opened a new Super Target near her house. (yes, i am aware of the irony surrounding my story as we went to consumerists mecca). We journey to Mecca several times a week. She had been to this particular store before, but I had not. She kept telling me how big the store was compared to the dinky little target that was 5 miles down the road. We pull into the parking lot and I just let out a string of "Woos" as I feign surprise at how large the store is. At first, she had a look in her eye like I might need to be committed to some institution, and hopefully they still make use of electric shock therapy. Then she realized while I may be insane, I'm pretty damned entertaining and she started laughing and could not stop laughing. The real benefit of being able to make people laugh is not that it makes you feel good, it is that it keeps them from sending you to Uncle Jethro's Mid-Western Facility for the Clinically Insane that is conveniently located in Guam.
I believe that at one time my vision of the AD was having a big ol' pile of money that I could roll around in like a pile of freshly raked leaves in the fall. And while I would not shun that pile of dough, I feel as if my views have changed as I have aged. Now, I think that the AD is more about spending quality time with my friends and family. Taking some time out for myself. Stopping to smell the roses if you will. I've worked 6 days a week before, and quite frankly it sucked.
Now I'm not saying I support a vow of poverty. Not quite ready to join the monastery, wear a woolen robe and chant all day long. I'm just saying that I value interactions with the world around me more than I value material things.
What might your idea of the American Dream be? How far are you willing to go to achieve that dream?
I am aware that I used to plural "songs" earlier, and I did not lie. Nor did I make an grammatical mistake. At least not one that has to do with using a plural noun.
yes, i know this song is about heroin use, but maybe the American Dream is like heroin for some. "I used to do a little, but a little wouldn't do, so a little got more and more."
well, i must go pack so I can move.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Promises Promises
Today is a momentous day here in the US of A. It's a day when we are given to opportunity to make a choice, and possibly make a change. Once every 4 years we are afforded the opportunity to decide who is going to be our leader, our Commander in Chief, our President for the next 4 years. You may imagine that it is an onerous task what with so many people in the country from which to choose, but we manage to pare it down to a handful of choices with 2 people pretty much squashing out any hopes for the others early on in the process.
Here in the US of A we are very enthusiastic about the election process. So much so that approximately 48% of registered voters actually bother to participate in the process. It's comforting to know that we can't even muster a majority of the voters to make a choice. It makes one wonder if we are truly being represented properly. Most likely, not.
The build up to this day is really something spectacular. Months before the election, maybe even a year before, potential candidates begin to surface and make themselves known to the masses. It all begins lightheartedly, and with much celebration, but that does not last long. Are we given any real information with which to make our decision during this time? No! What we are given? Name calling, mud slinging, half truths, twisted facts, and lots of finger pointing. That is the information pool from which we get to make our decisions. Like a butcher breaking down a side of beef, candidates are sliced away without a second thought. Some left to lie on the political floor like offal that only a handful will ever give another glance. quite brutal
It is refreshing to see how quickly this process can turn otherwise rational people into rabid lunatics. Swift to move from friendly discourse to calling each other idiots, morons, and questioning each others mental acuity in various fashions that hearken to the days of elementary school playgrounds. It makes one proud to be a member. It's a wonder so many people participate in the event.
Finally, the day arrives. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Not because we have been waiting with the anticipation of a child wanting to tear into their Christmas gifts to see what they get, but rather because it means the end of ridiculous political advertisements and endless phone calls to see who we may vote for. How many more times can I see one candidate parade around all the Hollywood/Famous people he knows in an attempt to garner my vote? Is their a corollation between number of celebrities a person knows, and the ability to lead a nation that is flat out broke? If that is the case, then we need to elect Kevin Bacon and do so right quick. How many more ads must I watch of a candidate dressed in suits I cannot afford smiling and glad-handing the masses? If the ability to lead our nation is best determined by the best dresser then maybe we should elect Gwyneth Paltrow as she is "People" magazines Best Dressed Woman in the World! The entire WORLD, she must be the leader we need.
Much like children following the Pied Piper less than half of the masses make their way to their assigned voting center to punch a few buttons and make a selection. The Piper plays such wily tunes as:
Personally, I believe we should put on our powdered wigs and march into those centers with a revolutionary mindset that would make our founding Fathers proud. It's time to dispel the apathetic fog, release ourselves from the chains of rhetoric, and truly make a difference. Get all of those that promote and support our failing system and let them know who is really in charge. WE THE PEOPLE! not We the ones that really don't have anything better to do than vote, not We the easily led by the glitz and glamor of smooth talking/life long politicians, but WE THE PEOPLE who are pissed, who are angry that our country has been taken from us. 48% even bother to make an effort. Where are the other 52%? Bullied into believing that they have no real voice? valid. So distraught with the belief that no matter who is elected that nothing will really change? on point. Time to have a revolution of non-violence, a revolution by the people for the people. Time to take the country back from the politicians and re-engage the 52%.
Just once I would love to see the people make a stand and tell those who force us to believe we have to be a Democrat or a Republican that we reject you both. We will no longer allow you to play at being a government. No changes will be made in regards to any of our major problems because it would eliminate "talking points" for the next election should we eliminate any of our problems. We need people that are willing to make compromises to find solutions. Not simply point fingers and call each other names.
Here in Atlanta, our Falcons have a saying, "Rise Up!" Now if we can get an entire city, maybe even and entire state to "Rise Up!" for a football team (who happens to be undefeated and well on their way to the post-season), then surely we can get the entire country to "Rise Up!" for themselves. Can't we? Shouldn't we?
Now, may I please be returned to my regularly scheduled programming, and have all of the phone calls cease? thank you, see you in four years. I may just repost this blog in 4 years. As i drift into the apathetic majority.
Here in the US of A we are very enthusiastic about the election process. So much so that approximately 48% of registered voters actually bother to participate in the process. It's comforting to know that we can't even muster a majority of the voters to make a choice. It makes one wonder if we are truly being represented properly. Most likely, not.
The build up to this day is really something spectacular. Months before the election, maybe even a year before, potential candidates begin to surface and make themselves known to the masses. It all begins lightheartedly, and with much celebration, but that does not last long. Are we given any real information with which to make our decision during this time? No! What we are given? Name calling, mud slinging, half truths, twisted facts, and lots of finger pointing. That is the information pool from which we get to make our decisions. Like a butcher breaking down a side of beef, candidates are sliced away without a second thought. Some left to lie on the political floor like offal that only a handful will ever give another glance. quite brutal
It is refreshing to see how quickly this process can turn otherwise rational people into rabid lunatics. Swift to move from friendly discourse to calling each other idiots, morons, and questioning each others mental acuity in various fashions that hearken to the days of elementary school playgrounds. It makes one proud to be a member. It's a wonder so many people participate in the event.
Finally, the day arrives. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Not because we have been waiting with the anticipation of a child wanting to tear into their Christmas gifts to see what they get, but rather because it means the end of ridiculous political advertisements and endless phone calls to see who we may vote for. How many more times can I see one candidate parade around all the Hollywood/Famous people he knows in an attempt to garner my vote? Is their a corollation between number of celebrities a person knows, and the ability to lead a nation that is flat out broke? If that is the case, then we need to elect Kevin Bacon and do so right quick. How many more ads must I watch of a candidate dressed in suits I cannot afford smiling and glad-handing the masses? If the ability to lead our nation is best determined by the best dresser then maybe we should elect Gwyneth Paltrow as she is "People" magazines Best Dressed Woman in the World! The entire WORLD, she must be the leader we need.
Much like children following the Pied Piper less than half of the masses make their way to their assigned voting center to punch a few buttons and make a selection. The Piper plays such wily tunes as:
Personally, I believe we should put on our powdered wigs and march into those centers with a revolutionary mindset that would make our founding Fathers proud. It's time to dispel the apathetic fog, release ourselves from the chains of rhetoric, and truly make a difference. Get all of those that promote and support our failing system and let them know who is really in charge. WE THE PEOPLE! not We the ones that really don't have anything better to do than vote, not We the easily led by the glitz and glamor of smooth talking/life long politicians, but WE THE PEOPLE who are pissed, who are angry that our country has been taken from us. 48% even bother to make an effort. Where are the other 52%? Bullied into believing that they have no real voice? valid. So distraught with the belief that no matter who is elected that nothing will really change? on point. Time to have a revolution of non-violence, a revolution by the people for the people. Time to take the country back from the politicians and re-engage the 52%.
Just once I would love to see the people make a stand and tell those who force us to believe we have to be a Democrat or a Republican that we reject you both. We will no longer allow you to play at being a government. No changes will be made in regards to any of our major problems because it would eliminate "talking points" for the next election should we eliminate any of our problems. We need people that are willing to make compromises to find solutions. Not simply point fingers and call each other names.
Here in Atlanta, our Falcons have a saying, "Rise Up!" Now if we can get an entire city, maybe even and entire state to "Rise Up!" for a football team (who happens to be undefeated and well on their way to the post-season), then surely we can get the entire country to "Rise Up!" for themselves. Can't we? Shouldn't we?
Now, may I please be returned to my regularly scheduled programming, and have all of the phone calls cease? thank you, see you in four years. I may just repost this blog in 4 years. As i drift into the apathetic majority.
Friday, November 2, 2012
The Spirit of Radio
Last night I had the pleasure of seeing my all-time favorite band play live. That band is RUSH. 40 years and they are still going strong. I know many of you may not be fans of prog rock, rock music in general, or even RUSH, but I have to tell you these guys transcend labels in a fashion that I've not seen from any other group.
You can take a look at any typical tour list for any given year and you will find several groups that are 30 years old or so out on the tour circuit. So maybe you are thinking that RUSH is no different than these groups. Having seen many of those groups as well as RUSH I can tell you that there is a huge difference. For one, RUSH still has all of it's original members. Many of the groups from my youth that still tour are barely more than a shell of their original selves. My opinion is that most of them can barely be called a cover band at this time as most of the original members are not a part of the group any longer. I'm just not all that interested in shelling out 50-100 dollars to see a cover band of Styx, Foreigner, Journey, Allman Brothers, etc. Secondly, RUSH still produces original music that is relevant to the times, interesting, and can stand up on it's own. You can listen to any of their more recent albums and it will be musically interesting regardless of their previous body of work. I have not bought a Styx album since Edge of the Century, and do not intend to buy any thing from them or any of the other groups mentioned above. The "new" music I have heard from them sounds like they are trying to recapture what made them huge 30 years ago rather than being a fluid progression of time and sound.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not trying to judge those bands that are not RUSH. Maybe they need the money, and I do still enjoy my favorite songs from each of those groups. But those groups either are not producing new music, or if they do, it is not of the same quality as their heyday.
As for the actual concert: it was simply amazing. RUSH will take you on an audial journey through time and space with a precision that is almost unfathomable. You don't have to like rock music, or even RUSH to be able to appreciate that these are 3 of the most musically capable people in the industry. I would argue that most bands may have one truly awesome musician, but all 3 members of RUSH are true musicians. They have an understanding of music theory, and an ability to apply that knowledge that far surpasses most in the industry.
Neil Peart: To call him the drummer of the band is less than adequate. A rhythmic automaton that provides much more than a simple beat. He does more with a splash cymbal than many can do with an entire drum set. His solos are one of the most anticipated parts of the show. The silent member who channels his voice through the lyrics that Geddy Lee presents every night.
Alex Lifeson: A guitarist? certainly. A man that has mastered the instrument? definitely. Sonic LSD as he paints pictures in your mind with not only the notes he plays, but the sounds he produces. At one minute crisp, clear harmonics emanate forth from the amplifiers, and the next he attacks your ears with raw power chords. Each evoking an emotion, and creating a connection between artist and patron.
Geddy Lee: I will admit not the best singer on the face of the planet, but I cannot imagine any other voice delivering the words to these songs. I am fascinated with how well the band in general has adapted to a voice that is aging and no longer capable of singing in the falsetto that was his trademark for decades. Still would not want to hear anyone but Geddy sing these songs. Now add to his list of things to do on stage the fact that he plays Bass, Keyboards, and even foot pedals while singing complicated lyrics and you have the makings of a complete front man. Geddy's bass playing ability surpasses the basic bar full of eighth notes that are simply root notes. He adds a bottom end that is musical genius by itself yet an integral part of the sonic brush that RUSH uses to paint those mental pictures each member of the audience craves.
Am I biased, probably so, but I would like to think that I am objective in my appreciation of their musical gifts. I will continue to see these guys as long as they keep touring. I always leave their show with a longing for more. I also appreciate that they do not take themselves too seriously; constantly poking fun at themselves and their music.
You can take a look at any typical tour list for any given year and you will find several groups that are 30 years old or so out on the tour circuit. So maybe you are thinking that RUSH is no different than these groups. Having seen many of those groups as well as RUSH I can tell you that there is a huge difference. For one, RUSH still has all of it's original members. Many of the groups from my youth that still tour are barely more than a shell of their original selves. My opinion is that most of them can barely be called a cover band at this time as most of the original members are not a part of the group any longer. I'm just not all that interested in shelling out 50-100 dollars to see a cover band of Styx, Foreigner, Journey, Allman Brothers, etc. Secondly, RUSH still produces original music that is relevant to the times, interesting, and can stand up on it's own. You can listen to any of their more recent albums and it will be musically interesting regardless of their previous body of work. I have not bought a Styx album since Edge of the Century, and do not intend to buy any thing from them or any of the other groups mentioned above. The "new" music I have heard from them sounds like they are trying to recapture what made them huge 30 years ago rather than being a fluid progression of time and sound.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not trying to judge those bands that are not RUSH. Maybe they need the money, and I do still enjoy my favorite songs from each of those groups. But those groups either are not producing new music, or if they do, it is not of the same quality as their heyday.
As for the actual concert: it was simply amazing. RUSH will take you on an audial journey through time and space with a precision that is almost unfathomable. You don't have to like rock music, or even RUSH to be able to appreciate that these are 3 of the most musically capable people in the industry. I would argue that most bands may have one truly awesome musician, but all 3 members of RUSH are true musicians. They have an understanding of music theory, and an ability to apply that knowledge that far surpasses most in the industry.
Neil Peart: To call him the drummer of the band is less than adequate. A rhythmic automaton that provides much more than a simple beat. He does more with a splash cymbal than many can do with an entire drum set. His solos are one of the most anticipated parts of the show. The silent member who channels his voice through the lyrics that Geddy Lee presents every night.
Alex Lifeson: A guitarist? certainly. A man that has mastered the instrument? definitely. Sonic LSD as he paints pictures in your mind with not only the notes he plays, but the sounds he produces. At one minute crisp, clear harmonics emanate forth from the amplifiers, and the next he attacks your ears with raw power chords. Each evoking an emotion, and creating a connection between artist and patron.
Geddy Lee: I will admit not the best singer on the face of the planet, but I cannot imagine any other voice delivering the words to these songs. I am fascinated with how well the band in general has adapted to a voice that is aging and no longer capable of singing in the falsetto that was his trademark for decades. Still would not want to hear anyone but Geddy sing these songs. Now add to his list of things to do on stage the fact that he plays Bass, Keyboards, and even foot pedals while singing complicated lyrics and you have the makings of a complete front man. Geddy's bass playing ability surpasses the basic bar full of eighth notes that are simply root notes. He adds a bottom end that is musical genius by itself yet an integral part of the sonic brush that RUSH uses to paint those mental pictures each member of the audience craves.
Am I biased, probably so, but I would like to think that I am objective in my appreciation of their musical gifts. I will continue to see these guys as long as they keep touring. I always leave their show with a longing for more. I also appreciate that they do not take themselves too seriously; constantly poking fun at themselves and their music.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Hallow, Hallow
Another Halloween has come and gone. It has always been an odd event for me (i'm not so sure it qualifies as a holiday since we have to work.) Some people go all out to the point where you are certain that Target has moved their Halloween department into your neighbors front yard. It is hard to tell if the people coming and going are Trick or Treating, or shopping. I tend to go to the other extreme and pretend that there is not much special for the day, so I guess it creates balance in the world. Which is always good as long as I get to be Yin and my neighber can be Yang. For some reason I like the word Yin better.
Even though I do not put much effort into "celebrating" Halloween I do enjoy seeing people in their costumes. I especially appreciate the people that create their own costumes. I am shocked by how pricey outfits can be. I came about this knowledge when I took my daughter to look for an outfit this year. Of course, when you only have one store that sells costumes it tends to drive up the price. (i'll save the capitalism lesson for another time when we all need a good snooze.) Luckliy, she did not find anything she liked and ended up making her own outfit. She went as a bag of jellybeans, which I thought was clever and pretty cool. I liked it much better than the store bought variety of costumes.
You may ask, "what did you learn from Halloween this year?" Besides the fact that store bought costumes are expensive I learned that you can boil down these store bought items to a couple of categories. If you're a female you only get one category. Proof that we still live in a male dominated society? Maybe, you can decide for yourself. Here are the categories that I was able to detect in the store.
Women's Costumes: Hooker now it may come in a variety of subcategories such as Pirate Hooker, Nurse Hooker, Witch Hooker, Princess Hooker, or Fairy Hooker, but at the base of it all they are the same. A dress that barely covers your butt, and maybe some colorful stockings. not sure I would encourage my 12 year old to wear them.
Men's Costumes: you can either be a super hero, or some kind of scary monster type thing. It's possible that those are pretty much one and the same category. Still debating that.
This year for Hallween I decided to do something different. I went to my parents' house. It's similar to going to a haunted house with the exception being it is open year round, and the horror is much more real. My sister and I went to see Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" at The Strand Theater in Marietta. Enjoyed the movie very much. Heard one patron state after the movie "I'll view 'It's a Wonderful Life' in a whole new way now." Jimmy Stewart is the lead male actor in both of these movies, and plays drastically different characters.
My horror for the evening came when trying to sleep at the home of the parental units. I was given the room that was my niece's room, and prior to that was my sister's room. (my nephew occupies what used to be my room, and i'm not sure I approve of what he's done with the place.) This bed I was given squeaks like you're at a mouse convention. Every time I moved it sounded like I was receiving a hundred telegraph messages all at the same time. I don't know how anyone ever got any sleep in that bed. Maybe it's some sort of receiving station for messages from the netherworld, maybe it was used as some sort of poor man's alarm system for when my niece occupied said room. If you breathe hard it squeaks. Oh the HORROR!
Needless to say I was my usual cheery self at breakfast at 645 this morning. I suppose it made sense to go ahead and get up considering I had been awake since about 1872 and apparently was not going to go back to sleep.
All in all a decent Halloween. However, with no children around that go trick or treating I have no candy to raid while said children are at school. I think my nephew could have sucked it up one last year and gone trick or treating for his dear old uncle. Just because it's his senior year in high school, and it might be embarrassing for him should not matter. Family first. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll be a senior again next year and go trick or treating for me.
OH! before I forget let me give you the best line from the movie. First, let me set the scene. Jimmy Stewart's character is trying to convince the lead female character to change her hair from brunette to blonde. (I don't bother remembering character names for some reason.) He said to her "surely, it doesn't matter to you." when she was resistant to changing her hair color. Classic. gotta love the 50s. I am surprised he did not just smack her. that seems to be the usual method for getting women to do what you want them to do in movies from that era. Good times. (for those female readers I say that all tongue in cheek.)
Even though I do not put much effort into "celebrating" Halloween I do enjoy seeing people in their costumes. I especially appreciate the people that create their own costumes. I am shocked by how pricey outfits can be. I came about this knowledge when I took my daughter to look for an outfit this year. Of course, when you only have one store that sells costumes it tends to drive up the price. (i'll save the capitalism lesson for another time when we all need a good snooze.) Luckliy, she did not find anything she liked and ended up making her own outfit. She went as a bag of jellybeans, which I thought was clever and pretty cool. I liked it much better than the store bought variety of costumes.
You may ask, "what did you learn from Halloween this year?" Besides the fact that store bought costumes are expensive I learned that you can boil down these store bought items to a couple of categories. If you're a female you only get one category. Proof that we still live in a male dominated society? Maybe, you can decide for yourself. Here are the categories that I was able to detect in the store.
Women's Costumes: Hooker now it may come in a variety of subcategories such as Pirate Hooker, Nurse Hooker, Witch Hooker, Princess Hooker, or Fairy Hooker, but at the base of it all they are the same. A dress that barely covers your butt, and maybe some colorful stockings. not sure I would encourage my 12 year old to wear them.
Men's Costumes: you can either be a super hero, or some kind of scary monster type thing. It's possible that those are pretty much one and the same category. Still debating that.
This year for Hallween I decided to do something different. I went to my parents' house. It's similar to going to a haunted house with the exception being it is open year round, and the horror is much more real. My sister and I went to see Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" at The Strand Theater in Marietta. Enjoyed the movie very much. Heard one patron state after the movie "I'll view 'It's a Wonderful Life' in a whole new way now." Jimmy Stewart is the lead male actor in both of these movies, and plays drastically different characters.
My horror for the evening came when trying to sleep at the home of the parental units. I was given the room that was my niece's room, and prior to that was my sister's room. (my nephew occupies what used to be my room, and i'm not sure I approve of what he's done with the place.) This bed I was given squeaks like you're at a mouse convention. Every time I moved it sounded like I was receiving a hundred telegraph messages all at the same time. I don't know how anyone ever got any sleep in that bed. Maybe it's some sort of receiving station for messages from the netherworld, maybe it was used as some sort of poor man's alarm system for when my niece occupied said room. If you breathe hard it squeaks. Oh the HORROR!
Needless to say I was my usual cheery self at breakfast at 645 this morning. I suppose it made sense to go ahead and get up considering I had been awake since about 1872 and apparently was not going to go back to sleep.
All in all a decent Halloween. However, with no children around that go trick or treating I have no candy to raid while said children are at school. I think my nephew could have sucked it up one last year and gone trick or treating for his dear old uncle. Just because it's his senior year in high school, and it might be embarrassing for him should not matter. Family first. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll be a senior again next year and go trick or treating for me.
OH! before I forget let me give you the best line from the movie. First, let me set the scene. Jimmy Stewart's character is trying to convince the lead female character to change her hair from brunette to blonde. (I don't bother remembering character names for some reason.) He said to her "surely, it doesn't matter to you." when she was resistant to changing her hair color. Classic. gotta love the 50s. I am surprised he did not just smack her. that seems to be the usual method for getting women to do what you want them to do in movies from that era. Good times. (for those female readers I say that all tongue in cheek.)
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Blow, Baby, Blow
I imagine that if you were to ask people what job they would least like to have you would receive quite a long and varied list of answers. However, I also imagine that you would see some occupations that make the list time and again. Discovery Channel had an entire series about undesirable jobs called "Dirty Jobs," and quite frankly most of the jobs they featured I would not want to do. Some occupations that I believe would make the list multiple times are:
Ditch Digger
Garbage Man
Dog Euthanizer
Coal Miner
Dentist (could not resist)
Don't get me wrong. I mean no disrespect to the fine people that do in fact have these occupations. We as a society appreciate those who are willing to do these jobs, and I am not attempting to pass any judgement on those who do find themselves with these jobs. Simply, I am making a list of jobs that I believe most people would not want to do.
However, yesterday I found a job that I would particularly dislike to have. That job is not on my previous list, although most of those jobs I would not care to do either. The job that came to my attention yesterday as undesirable is: New weatherman at the weather channel.
Here you are with your brand new job at the Weather Channel. You're all excited about making the weather lively and entertaining. You have aspirations that maybe you could be the next Letterman; prediciting hail stones the size of canned peas one day, and multi millionaire media personality endowing a scholarship for "C" students at your alma mater the next day. Then comes along the storm of the century, the hurricane to end all hurricanes. This storm is so bad that the Kraken refuses to be released. Godzilla tells Tokyo "ねえ、あなたはあなた自身にある"
You prepare yourself for a long day at the office. Probably gonna be spending the night at the Weather Center breaking into regularly scheduled programming to show the world how well you can stand in front of a green screen and tell them how terrible the storm has become. Then comes the call. It's your time to shine. The Big Weather Guy Upstairs calls your name. You make sure your hair looks good so you look great on TV. Check that you have clean underwear so your mom will be proud. Then you are given your assignment: "Head on down to the beach so you can give us a report on how the storm is coming along." Wait...What?
here's a little tune about it:
Now you are in a quandry. You are going to be on TV, but you get to stand in rain coming at you sideways, 90 mph winds that gust up to 115mph, and you are given a cap, and a rain jacket. You get to your post, and you're not even sure if you are facing the camera because your eyelids are flapping in the wind so badly that you can't even see. Heck, for all you know they did not send a cameraman, and it's all a big prank just to see if you will do it. You also have a bit of trepidation about standing in calf deep water while surrounded by all the electrical equipment necessary to broadcast.
Finally, you see a light ahead of you and you believe that it is either your Guardian Angel come to take you home, or the cameraman. Next, you hear someone in your ear ask, "how's the weather out there?" Your first inlcination is to tell that faceless, dry voice to "suck it," but then you realize that you are on air, and your mom is watching from her home in Oklahoma, where there is not a hurricane. Somehow you manage to make the storm seem like it's not that big a deal. You don't mention that the only reason you are able to stand in one place is that you nailed your boots to the ground. Overall, you make the latest hurricane seem a bit exciting, glamorous even. The faceless voice thanks your for your report, and you think to yourself "thank God, now I can get back to the office." Then you hear that voice say, "We'll check back with you in a bit to continue our coverage of this storm." Wait...What? Maybe I should have been a dentist.
my favorite storm song:
Ditch Digger
Garbage Man
Dog Euthanizer
Coal Miner
Dentist (could not resist)
Don't get me wrong. I mean no disrespect to the fine people that do in fact have these occupations. We as a society appreciate those who are willing to do these jobs, and I am not attempting to pass any judgement on those who do find themselves with these jobs. Simply, I am making a list of jobs that I believe most people would not want to do.
However, yesterday I found a job that I would particularly dislike to have. That job is not on my previous list, although most of those jobs I would not care to do either. The job that came to my attention yesterday as undesirable is: New weatherman at the weather channel.
Here you are with your brand new job at the Weather Channel. You're all excited about making the weather lively and entertaining. You have aspirations that maybe you could be the next Letterman; prediciting hail stones the size of canned peas one day, and multi millionaire media personality endowing a scholarship for "C" students at your alma mater the next day. Then comes along the storm of the century, the hurricane to end all hurricanes. This storm is so bad that the Kraken refuses to be released. Godzilla tells Tokyo "ねえ、あなたはあなた自身にある"
You prepare yourself for a long day at the office. Probably gonna be spending the night at the Weather Center breaking into regularly scheduled programming to show the world how well you can stand in front of a green screen and tell them how terrible the storm has become. Then comes the call. It's your time to shine. The Big Weather Guy Upstairs calls your name. You make sure your hair looks good so you look great on TV. Check that you have clean underwear so your mom will be proud. Then you are given your assignment: "Head on down to the beach so you can give us a report on how the storm is coming along." Wait...What?
here's a little tune about it:
Now you are in a quandry. You are going to be on TV, but you get to stand in rain coming at you sideways, 90 mph winds that gust up to 115mph, and you are given a cap, and a rain jacket. You get to your post, and you're not even sure if you are facing the camera because your eyelids are flapping in the wind so badly that you can't even see. Heck, for all you know they did not send a cameraman, and it's all a big prank just to see if you will do it. You also have a bit of trepidation about standing in calf deep water while surrounded by all the electrical equipment necessary to broadcast.
Finally, you see a light ahead of you and you believe that it is either your Guardian Angel come to take you home, or the cameraman. Next, you hear someone in your ear ask, "how's the weather out there?" Your first inlcination is to tell that faceless, dry voice to "suck it," but then you realize that you are on air, and your mom is watching from her home in Oklahoma, where there is not a hurricane. Somehow you manage to make the storm seem like it's not that big a deal. You don't mention that the only reason you are able to stand in one place is that you nailed your boots to the ground. Overall, you make the latest hurricane seem a bit exciting, glamorous even. The faceless voice thanks your for your report, and you think to yourself "thank God, now I can get back to the office." Then you hear that voice say, "We'll check back with you in a bit to continue our coverage of this storm." Wait...What? Maybe I should have been a dentist.
my favorite storm song:
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Tears of a Clown
Again, I apologize for not posting something in the last couple of days. I'm in Texas hanging out with a cool kid that also happens to be my daughter, and working on becoming gainfully employed in this large state. The good news is that I have been successful on both fronts. Shall we now continue on the the good stuff?
It's a good thing they turn the lights down low and make it dark in movie theaters. I have to admit that I cry at movies. Heck, I even cry at some commercials on TV. You've probably seen the commercial where there is a little girl (maybe 7 yrs old) in the driver's seat of the family car, her dad is leaning in the passenger side window giving this little girl some final instructions, the little girl says "daddy, I know," then in the end they show that she is actually a teenaged girl. Yep, I cry. Have no clue what they are trying to get me to buy in that commercial because the TV screen is a bit hazy through the tears.
Heard a song about it, it's a must see/hear:
I bet you thought it was going to be Smokey Robinson!!!! predictable I am not. LOL well I try to keep you on your toes.
Friday evening my aforementioned daugther and I went to the movies and we saw a new comedy called "Fun Size." Comedy? you betcha. Tear Jerker? well I think I was the only one in the theater crying, but I may have caught a glimpse of some teary eyed stuff going on with my daughter. A chip off the old block; I'm quite proud.
The movie is pretty funny, and I would recommend it. Not the funniest movie in the world, but it was good. Maybe a good matinee movie. Most of you can probably leave the tissues at home. If you are easily offended by mild sexual humor, then you should probably just stay at home and watch Little House on the Prairie, or learn how to loosen up a little bit and laugh at the human race. My favorite part is when I threatened to strangle everyone in the theater if they did not shut their traps. (that may have only happened in my mind, but it was still pretty good.) Seriously, i have no idea why people go to the movie theater and proceed to carry on a conversation through the whole movie, but I digress. If you like cute kids in Halloween costumes, then you'll enjoy this movie. And stick around for the credits. Right before the credits start really rolling there is a pretty good extra scene.
Previous movies that have produced tears for me:
College Road Trip
Helter Skelter (albeit for different reasons than the previous. it scared the bajeezus out of me)
Pretty much any movie that has to deal with children growing up and getting out on their own.
So come and take my man card. Pry it out of my hands if you will. Well, actually it is all moist and shredded in the way that only comes from being wet for too long as I have cried on it way too many times. Personally, I believe a real man should show his emotions. And if it's wrong to get emotional when I think about my daughter, then I don't wanna be right.
since it's Sunday, how about a 2fer on the music:
It's a good thing they turn the lights down low and make it dark in movie theaters. I have to admit that I cry at movies. Heck, I even cry at some commercials on TV. You've probably seen the commercial where there is a little girl (maybe 7 yrs old) in the driver's seat of the family car, her dad is leaning in the passenger side window giving this little girl some final instructions, the little girl says "daddy, I know," then in the end they show that she is actually a teenaged girl. Yep, I cry. Have no clue what they are trying to get me to buy in that commercial because the TV screen is a bit hazy through the tears.
Heard a song about it, it's a must see/hear:
I bet you thought it was going to be Smokey Robinson!!!! predictable I am not. LOL well I try to keep you on your toes.
Friday evening my aforementioned daugther and I went to the movies and we saw a new comedy called "Fun Size." Comedy? you betcha. Tear Jerker? well I think I was the only one in the theater crying, but I may have caught a glimpse of some teary eyed stuff going on with my daughter. A chip off the old block; I'm quite proud.
The movie is pretty funny, and I would recommend it. Not the funniest movie in the world, but it was good. Maybe a good matinee movie. Most of you can probably leave the tissues at home. If you are easily offended by mild sexual humor, then you should probably just stay at home and watch Little House on the Prairie, or learn how to loosen up a little bit and laugh at the human race. My favorite part is when I threatened to strangle everyone in the theater if they did not shut their traps. (that may have only happened in my mind, but it was still pretty good.) Seriously, i have no idea why people go to the movie theater and proceed to carry on a conversation through the whole movie, but I digress. If you like cute kids in Halloween costumes, then you'll enjoy this movie. And stick around for the credits. Right before the credits start really rolling there is a pretty good extra scene.
Previous movies that have produced tears for me:
College Road Trip
Helter Skelter (albeit for different reasons than the previous. it scared the bajeezus out of me)
Pretty much any movie that has to deal with children growing up and getting out on their own.
So come and take my man card. Pry it out of my hands if you will. Well, actually it is all moist and shredded in the way that only comes from being wet for too long as I have cried on it way too many times. Personally, I believe a real man should show his emotions. And if it's wrong to get emotional when I think about my daughter, then I don't wanna be right.
since it's Sunday, how about a 2fer on the music:
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Recently, I had the pleasure of making a trek halfway across this great country to the Grande state of Texas. Along the way I had several observations, mostly because I had nothing else to do other than make observations. Well, there was the 45 minute nap I took, and 15 minutes of faking a nap, but that may be discussed later.
Some entertainment for those that like to be entertained:
I began my journey by riding the MARTA to the Atlanta airport. Yes, I said it "the MARTA." For those of you that are sticklers for details I am aware that it is called Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, but that is just too much to type more than once. I may just rename it the ATL plane place. As I was sitting on the train I noticed that they had conveniently posted some rules for riding the train. (for those of you that are not a part of the Greater Atlanta area, MARTA is our rapid transit system that is comprised of a subway and a bus system. It's not as good as NYC's, but it will eventually get you somewhere; maybe even where you want to be!!!) I found these rules very helpful, and thought maybe I should share. The list began with common sense rules you will see many places: no smoking, no weapons, no panhandling. The last rule, and my favorite, no assault of MARTA employees. At first glance, this rule seems like a good one. I definitely would not want to be on a subway train whose driver is being assaulted. Seems like a recipe for disaster and a plot for several movies. However, a couple of stops later I realize that they do not specifically forbid the assault of MARTA passengers. Now if I had to choose, I would much rather have the MARTA employee suffer some abuse than myself. Selfish? most assuredly, but I like to think of it more as a survival instinct. With great fortune, I made it to the airport sans any MARTA condoned assault of my self.
At the airport is where a majority of individuals seem to magically become farm animals. Herds of them scurry around with a wide-eyed gaze indicative of a collective "HUH?" (use your best Scooby voice for that.) Typical questions overheard as I make my way throught the airport: "You mean I gotta check my bag?" (no, kind sir, you are the exception and may bring that armoire as your carry on bag. Oh you have two armoires? no problem you are also allowed a personal item.) Other favorites: "Am I in the right place?" (no). "Do I need to take my belt and shoes off?" (in the security line of course.) Absolutely not, we would love for you to just come on throught with your shoes and belt that clearly have been laced with some undesirable Anarchist's Cookbook specialty. Welcome aboard!
Overall, the trip was a good one. I landed safely, and even survived MARTA. Subway trains and airports are grand places to take a few minutes to laugh at our species. It is enjoyable to see just how many people can fit on a MARTA train before someone has to <gasp> sit next to another human. It's as if we all suspect each other of being carriers for leprosy, or ebola. (one guy probably was as he hacked up at least a dozen lungs.) The remaining mystery for the trip is exactly what happened to our pilot? Before take off, he sounded like a typical southern male. Just a hint of an accent, but a hardy good nature about his voice. After we land, he sounded like he could be a Middle Eastern man. (not middle eastern USA) voice was a bit harsh; I was certain that I was about to become a character in a not too distant historical drama film, but alas we were allowed to exit. Maybe if we had not spent 30 days awaiting take off at the ATL plane place I would have been less suspicious.
I will keep my eyes open for more humor on my next flight.
Enjoy the entertainment posted and look for another post sometime in this lifetime. Unless i am assaulted on MARTA.Maybe I'll just get a MARTA uniform to wear when i travel on the train.
Some entertainment for those that like to be entertained:
I began my journey by riding the MARTA to the Atlanta airport. Yes, I said it "the MARTA." For those of you that are sticklers for details I am aware that it is called Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, but that is just too much to type more than once. I may just rename it the ATL plane place. As I was sitting on the train I noticed that they had conveniently posted some rules for riding the train. (for those of you that are not a part of the Greater Atlanta area, MARTA is our rapid transit system that is comprised of a subway and a bus system. It's not as good as NYC's, but it will eventually get you somewhere; maybe even where you want to be!!!) I found these rules very helpful, and thought maybe I should share. The list began with common sense rules you will see many places: no smoking, no weapons, no panhandling. The last rule, and my favorite, no assault of MARTA employees. At first glance, this rule seems like a good one. I definitely would not want to be on a subway train whose driver is being assaulted. Seems like a recipe for disaster and a plot for several movies. However, a couple of stops later I realize that they do not specifically forbid the assault of MARTA passengers. Now if I had to choose, I would much rather have the MARTA employee suffer some abuse than myself. Selfish? most assuredly, but I like to think of it more as a survival instinct. With great fortune, I made it to the airport sans any MARTA condoned assault of my self.
At the airport is where a majority of individuals seem to magically become farm animals. Herds of them scurry around with a wide-eyed gaze indicative of a collective "HUH?" (use your best Scooby voice for that.) Typical questions overheard as I make my way throught the airport: "You mean I gotta check my bag?" (no, kind sir, you are the exception and may bring that armoire as your carry on bag. Oh you have two armoires? no problem you are also allowed a personal item.) Other favorites: "Am I in the right place?" (no). "Do I need to take my belt and shoes off?" (in the security line of course.) Absolutely not, we would love for you to just come on throught with your shoes and belt that clearly have been laced with some undesirable Anarchist's Cookbook specialty. Welcome aboard!
Overall, the trip was a good one. I landed safely, and even survived MARTA. Subway trains and airports are grand places to take a few minutes to laugh at our species. It is enjoyable to see just how many people can fit on a MARTA train before someone has to <gasp> sit next to another human. It's as if we all suspect each other of being carriers for leprosy, or ebola. (one guy probably was as he hacked up at least a dozen lungs.) The remaining mystery for the trip is exactly what happened to our pilot? Before take off, he sounded like a typical southern male. Just a hint of an accent, but a hardy good nature about his voice. After we land, he sounded like he could be a Middle Eastern man. (not middle eastern USA) voice was a bit harsh; I was certain that I was about to become a character in a not too distant historical drama film, but alas we were allowed to exit. Maybe if we had not spent 30 days awaiting take off at the ATL plane place I would have been less suspicious.
I will keep my eyes open for more humor on my next flight.
Enjoy the entertainment posted and look for another post sometime in this lifetime. Unless i am assaulted on MARTA.Maybe I'll just get a MARTA uniform to wear when i travel on the train.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
wake me when it's over
I apologize for leaving all of you hanging the last few days; the multitudes worrying if I will ever post another blog. I'm in the middle of a transition from one state to another, from a solid to a liquid, and it can be a bit time consuming.
Also, I have found that some days my brain simply falls right out of my head as I am forced to hear all of the political ads that seem to never stop these days. We are nearing that greatly anticipated event that happens once every 4 years. No, it's not World Cup Soccer, nor is it the Olympics (neither winter nor summer). We could only be so blessed to have one of those events about to happen. As I'm sure you have all guessed I am talking about the upcoming US Presidential Election. <yawn> just saying it makes me tired, and weary. This post is about as political as I will get.
Willie said it best here (although i'm certain he was not talking about the Presidential Election):
although, he may have been high ontop of the White House while writing this song. One can never be sure.
When I was younger, so much younger than today, I enjoyed following the political climate of the world. I enjoyed engaging in political discourse with friends, and tried to keep up with the different people that made up our government. However, that was then. Somewhere along the way I lost all interest. Maybe I just got tired of all the rhetoric that gets slung around. Maybe I decided that none of these boobs (no offense to boobs, I have no problem with boobs) were going to do anything to improve my situation, and took it upon myself to improve my own self. (novel idea, i know). (seriously, boobs are A-ok or DD-ok).
Here we are on the cusp of our quadrennial trip to the polls to punch a button and throw in our vote. I can almost hear the music of the piper as I enter the hallowed halls of the local elementary school cafeteria. Our regularly scheduled programming is shanghaied so that we are given the pleasure of watching "the debates." I use the term debate loosely, as to me it is more of a "whose is bigger" contest. Or an event to see who can get the most and best "zingers" in in the alotted time. If I wanted a President that was good with "zingers," I would vote for Seinfeld, or Chris Rock, or any number of well practiced comedians. Shoot, I might even vote for myself if that were the requirement.
My take on the whole event is that there is no way to really know what any candidate stands for at all. It seems that all they want to do these days is talk about how awful the other guy is rather than tell you what it is they want to do, or how they plan to fix the problems that exist today. Maybe Don Rickles is the man for the job, he was pretty good at getting in verbal jabs. So was Bob Hope.
We have been duped into believing that we have a 2 party system; when the reality is we do not. Anyone can start up a political party, and have a candidate on the ballot. However, the two dominant parties have rigged it so that others do not really get any recognition. Sounds like the American way.
What needs to happen is we need to step out of our labels, and get to the heart of what is going wrong in this country and fix it. That will require innovative thinking. It will require compromise, and it is going to piss some people off. It will mean that we need to rid ourselves of career politicians, and elect people that are willing to think outside of the box; willing to forget that they are associated with a particular party and understand that they are working for America and not working to simply get themselves re-elected.
Let's all be honest with ourselves. I hear people talk about how a candidate LIED. How egregious, and unbelievable to imagine. What irritates me the most about these statements is that the truth is both of them are guilty of telling lies. So please be equitable, please be honest with yourself and be willing to admit that your particular horse in the race lies as much as the opponent. And while we are at it, let me clarify how I think about lying.
When we are called to testify in a court of law, we are asked to take the following oath: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Kind of a funny oath because you would think that all you would need to swear to is to tell the truth. However, each statement is necessary as it's possible to tell the truth, but omit certain facts, or maybe add in unrelated facts. The candidates should be forced to take this oath prior to running for office. The "lies" they tell are not so much completely false as they are "half-truths" or they take data and twist it to fit their point of view. It's maddening. who has the time to fact check all of the crap they sling around, and where do we find non-biased references to do the fact checking. Hear me again when I say that BOTH of them use these tactics. Neither one of them is providing us with the TRUTH. So if you plan to call one of them a liar, please be able to accept that your chosen candidate has also lied.
All of it makes me want to fall into a deep coma and just wake up when it is all over. I'm tired of it all. It does not matter who we elect, as nothing is really going to change. At least none of the major problems are going to be fixed, because that would leave them with nothing to argue about at the next election.
I'm just going to go take my SOMA and be happy with my pre-selected life. Someone wake me when it's over. enjoy the song of the day.
Once again, no offense to boobs.
Also, I have found that some days my brain simply falls right out of my head as I am forced to hear all of the political ads that seem to never stop these days. We are nearing that greatly anticipated event that happens once every 4 years. No, it's not World Cup Soccer, nor is it the Olympics (neither winter nor summer). We could only be so blessed to have one of those events about to happen. As I'm sure you have all guessed I am talking about the upcoming US Presidential Election. <yawn> just saying it makes me tired, and weary. This post is about as political as I will get.
Willie said it best here (although i'm certain he was not talking about the Presidential Election):
although, he may have been high ontop of the White House while writing this song. One can never be sure.
When I was younger, so much younger than today, I enjoyed following the political climate of the world. I enjoyed engaging in political discourse with friends, and tried to keep up with the different people that made up our government. However, that was then. Somewhere along the way I lost all interest. Maybe I just got tired of all the rhetoric that gets slung around. Maybe I decided that none of these boobs (no offense to boobs, I have no problem with boobs) were going to do anything to improve my situation, and took it upon myself to improve my own self. (novel idea, i know). (seriously, boobs are A-ok or DD-ok).
Here we are on the cusp of our quadrennial trip to the polls to punch a button and throw in our vote. I can almost hear the music of the piper as I enter the hallowed halls of the local elementary school cafeteria. Our regularly scheduled programming is shanghaied so that we are given the pleasure of watching "the debates." I use the term debate loosely, as to me it is more of a "whose is bigger" contest. Or an event to see who can get the most and best "zingers" in in the alotted time. If I wanted a President that was good with "zingers," I would vote for Seinfeld, or Chris Rock, or any number of well practiced comedians. Shoot, I might even vote for myself if that were the requirement.
My take on the whole event is that there is no way to really know what any candidate stands for at all. It seems that all they want to do these days is talk about how awful the other guy is rather than tell you what it is they want to do, or how they plan to fix the problems that exist today. Maybe Don Rickles is the man for the job, he was pretty good at getting in verbal jabs. So was Bob Hope.
We have been duped into believing that we have a 2 party system; when the reality is we do not. Anyone can start up a political party, and have a candidate on the ballot. However, the two dominant parties have rigged it so that others do not really get any recognition. Sounds like the American way.
What needs to happen is we need to step out of our labels, and get to the heart of what is going wrong in this country and fix it. That will require innovative thinking. It will require compromise, and it is going to piss some people off. It will mean that we need to rid ourselves of career politicians, and elect people that are willing to think outside of the box; willing to forget that they are associated with a particular party and understand that they are working for America and not working to simply get themselves re-elected.
Let's all be honest with ourselves. I hear people talk about how a candidate LIED. How egregious, and unbelievable to imagine. What irritates me the most about these statements is that the truth is both of them are guilty of telling lies. So please be equitable, please be honest with yourself and be willing to admit that your particular horse in the race lies as much as the opponent. And while we are at it, let me clarify how I think about lying.
When we are called to testify in a court of law, we are asked to take the following oath: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Kind of a funny oath because you would think that all you would need to swear to is to tell the truth. However, each statement is necessary as it's possible to tell the truth, but omit certain facts, or maybe add in unrelated facts. The candidates should be forced to take this oath prior to running for office. The "lies" they tell are not so much completely false as they are "half-truths" or they take data and twist it to fit their point of view. It's maddening. who has the time to fact check all of the crap they sling around, and where do we find non-biased references to do the fact checking. Hear me again when I say that BOTH of them use these tactics. Neither one of them is providing us with the TRUTH. So if you plan to call one of them a liar, please be able to accept that your chosen candidate has also lied.
All of it makes me want to fall into a deep coma and just wake up when it is all over. I'm tired of it all. It does not matter who we elect, as nothing is really going to change. At least none of the major problems are going to be fixed, because that would leave them with nothing to argue about at the next election.
I'm just going to go take my SOMA and be happy with my pre-selected life. Someone wake me when it's over. enjoy the song of the day.
Once again, no offense to boobs.
Friday, October 19, 2012
you got a point?
Allow me a moment to take care of a little business. Thank you very much to Krissany for showing me how to link my blog to my Facebook page. This edition will be the first one I have written since I have been enlightened unto the wily ways of the internet; so hopefully it will work. She's pretty sharp, so I am certain that it will. Now on to the meat of this post. I know each of you have lost sleep in anticipation of each post.
A most vile and egregious revolution has occured in our society, and we have all just sat back oblivious to the horror. Maybe our apathy stems from the slow pace of this foul event, or maybe we have simply lost the energy to battle such evil forces. I am certain that many small militias have fought valiantly to rebuff the forces that have descended upon us. Heroes have fallen, and maybe even families have been broken during this revolution. Friends, I implore you to continue to fight the good fight. Stand strong and face this enemy that has dared to bring such disharmony to our homes. Let us repel the horror that is "text language."
I feel that I must confess to two things before I proceed. 1) I text like a teen-aged girl. I probably send a few thousand texts a month. In fact most of my conversations are via text message. I have never enjoyed talking on the phone, and the advent of text messaging was like a new birth for me. 2) I am aware that my grammatical/punctuation skills have diminished dramatically over the years. Well, a third confession is that I am less of a strict grammarian and more of a "as long as the person you are communicating with understands you all is ok," kind of person.
In general, I accept the change. Personally, I usually text in complete sentences and whole words. I have not adopted the slang or abbreviated sentences that seem to pervade text messages. I do have an affinity for LOL, and emoticons. For me the tragedy is when this "language" finds it's way into other forms of writing. I have received resumes with text language, and I know professors/instructors who have received papers from students that appear to have been written on the student's iPhone. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to hire someone that cannot take the time to write a proper resume. Some will argue that I could be passing on the greatest employee I ever had, but to me it just shows a sign of laziness when you can't take the time to use proper grammar while writing your resume.
Besides having to ask my 12 year old how to interpret an entire page of random letters strung together, I also enjoy the new punctuation. For the most part, I have observed that punctuation does not exist in text language. Call Judge Judy, because I am also guilty of not using punctuation when I text. However, when I do write outside of the world of text messages I do use punctuation. Although, I do believe that I overuse, the, comma, at times, in, my sentences, IDK.
One of my favorite new punctuation marks is: !!! I really do not know if there is a name for this mark. I know that "..." is an ellipsis. It was one of my favorite things to use when I was in college. At this time my sister should probably just skip to the end of this post, and not read the following section. Just pretend that I have an ellipsis placed in this part. I was writing a paper in college. It may have been one of my last papers. Anyway, the professor required us to use a certain number of references for our paper. OMG!!! I ALWAYS!!! hated that. I felt that if I could write my paper with fewer references, and still make lucid points, then it should not matter. I was finished with the paper, but needed one more reference. I found a sentence in a particular book that I had not quoted yet, but the middle part of the sentence I wanted to use really did not support my point. In fact, it may have supported the opposite. (Seriously, skip to the end ... ... ... . that should get my sister to move forward.) Well, here comes the ellipsis, buddy, pal, friend to those in desperate need. (the other thing you should know is that I wrote all of my papers the night before. so the library was not open at midnight the night before my paper was due.) (to the younger generation, a library was a big old building with a ton of books in it. Think of it as yesteryear's internet. To access it you had to drive to the building and enter the doors, then use a search engine called a card catalog. it was manual.) I digress. Soooo, maybe an ellipsis was inserted in place of the section of the sentence that disagreed with my point, and the remainder of the sentence fit perfectly into my paper. Whew! another A on my paper.
I told you that story to take up some space. (back in the day it was called BS to extend your paper.) Now we are presented with "!!!" what does it mean? I know that "!" is used to imply strong emotion, so maybe "!!!" means HEY I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, mean it. Why three exclamation points? Why not two, or four? Is five right out? Is there some rule similar to the rules for the Holy Hand Grenade of Anitoch whereby we shall not pass three? Will my sentence self-destruct should I <gasp> put !!!!! at the end of my sentence? IDK The pressure and strain of new rules for punctuation is overwhelming.
Maybe "!!!" is a more severe ellipsis. Maybe it means "hey I edited the heck out of this quote, and it probably does not even retain its original meaning." Perhaps, had I been writing that final college paper in today's world I would have used "!!!" to get my last reference in my paper. That probably would have led to me getting a B on the paper which would have really ticked me off and led to me sending a WTF? email to my professor, and then double secret probation.
A most vile and egregious revolution has occured in our society, and we have all just sat back oblivious to the horror. Maybe our apathy stems from the slow pace of this foul event, or maybe we have simply lost the energy to battle such evil forces. I am certain that many small militias have fought valiantly to rebuff the forces that have descended upon us. Heroes have fallen, and maybe even families have been broken during this revolution. Friends, I implore you to continue to fight the good fight. Stand strong and face this enemy that has dared to bring such disharmony to our homes. Let us repel the horror that is "text language."
I feel that I must confess to two things before I proceed. 1) I text like a teen-aged girl. I probably send a few thousand texts a month. In fact most of my conversations are via text message. I have never enjoyed talking on the phone, and the advent of text messaging was like a new birth for me. 2) I am aware that my grammatical/punctuation skills have diminished dramatically over the years. Well, a third confession is that I am less of a strict grammarian and more of a "as long as the person you are communicating with understands you all is ok," kind of person.
In general, I accept the change. Personally, I usually text in complete sentences and whole words. I have not adopted the slang or abbreviated sentences that seem to pervade text messages. I do have an affinity for LOL, and emoticons. For me the tragedy is when this "language" finds it's way into other forms of writing. I have received resumes with text language, and I know professors/instructors who have received papers from students that appear to have been written on the student's iPhone. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to hire someone that cannot take the time to write a proper resume. Some will argue that I could be passing on the greatest employee I ever had, but to me it just shows a sign of laziness when you can't take the time to use proper grammar while writing your resume.
Besides having to ask my 12 year old how to interpret an entire page of random letters strung together, I also enjoy the new punctuation. For the most part, I have observed that punctuation does not exist in text language. Call Judge Judy, because I am also guilty of not using punctuation when I text. However, when I do write outside of the world of text messages I do use punctuation. Although, I do believe that I overuse, the, comma, at times, in, my sentences, IDK.
One of my favorite new punctuation marks is: !!! I really do not know if there is a name for this mark. I know that "..." is an ellipsis. It was one of my favorite things to use when I was in college. At this time my sister should probably just skip to the end of this post, and not read the following section. Just pretend that I have an ellipsis placed in this part. I was writing a paper in college. It may have been one of my last papers. Anyway, the professor required us to use a certain number of references for our paper. OMG!!! I ALWAYS!!! hated that. I felt that if I could write my paper with fewer references, and still make lucid points, then it should not matter. I was finished with the paper, but needed one more reference. I found a sentence in a particular book that I had not quoted yet, but the middle part of the sentence I wanted to use really did not support my point. In fact, it may have supported the opposite. (Seriously, skip to the end ... ... ... . that should get my sister to move forward.) Well, here comes the ellipsis, buddy, pal, friend to those in desperate need. (the other thing you should know is that I wrote all of my papers the night before. so the library was not open at midnight the night before my paper was due.) (to the younger generation, a library was a big old building with a ton of books in it. Think of it as yesteryear's internet. To access it you had to drive to the building and enter the doors, then use a search engine called a card catalog. it was manual.) I digress. Soooo, maybe an ellipsis was inserted in place of the section of the sentence that disagreed with my point, and the remainder of the sentence fit perfectly into my paper. Whew! another A on my paper.
I told you that story to take up some space. (back in the day it was called BS to extend your paper.) Now we are presented with "!!!" what does it mean? I know that "!" is used to imply strong emotion, so maybe "!!!" means HEY I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, mean it. Why three exclamation points? Why not two, or four? Is five right out? Is there some rule similar to the rules for the Holy Hand Grenade of Anitoch whereby we shall not pass three? Will my sentence self-destruct should I <gasp> put !!!!! at the end of my sentence? IDK The pressure and strain of new rules for punctuation is overwhelming.
Maybe "!!!" is a more severe ellipsis. Maybe it means "hey I edited the heck out of this quote, and it probably does not even retain its original meaning." Perhaps, had I been writing that final college paper in today's world I would have used "!!!" to get my last reference in my paper. That probably would have led to me getting a B on the paper which would have really ticked me off and led to me sending a WTF? email to my professor, and then double secret probation.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Talk about Pop Musik
Generally speaking I like all kinds of music. Certainly I enjoy some genres more than others, but usually I can find something that I like in any style of music. For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed listening to music. Music soothes my soul, and speaks to my many moods. Many who know me know that I grew up listening to 80s metal/hard rock. I still enjoy listening to these same groups, but you would be in error to label me a metal-head. I tend to try and avoid labels of any kind as I believe it is a mistake to try and force people into a box. but that may be another discussion.
As I sit here in the office with very little to do (i have completed the daily crossword, and have increased my knowledge of the world by reading Yahoo news) I have become aware of the fact that we listen to a local station that plays pop music.
you are welcome for getting that little gem stuck in your head.
I will admit that I do like quite a number of the numbers played on this station. (like how i demonstrated why our language is so hard to learn?) However, I have discovered hell. Just how many times in one day can a person listen to "moves like jagger" before they lose all sense of self? or want to go and make sure jagger can no longer move at all so Maroon 5 will stop singing about it. (fyi-probably my least favorite song on the planet). I can guarantee you that Sisyphus may have had to push that boulder up a hill all day long just to have it fall back to the bottom of the hill, but that is not what got to him. Not even close. Sisyphus would have gladly pushed multiple boulders up that hill if only Zeus would stop playing Gotye's "someone that i used to know" over and over and over and over...well you get the point.
As awful as it is to hear the same songs all day long, and quite frankly i could probably set my watch by the times that said songs are played each day, I have learned at least one valuable lesson. NEVER, EVER, NEVER, date Taylor Swift. I don't care if she is the last woman on Earth, and you are the last man on Earth. Not even if she is the apple of your eye. Especially not if you have completely lost your mind because you made the mistake of going to work with Sisyphus and you also had to hear Gotye 5000 times in a row. Dating her will start off great. You will have the time of your life as you navigate your way through the wonderful world of fame and fortune, but just know that you are going to wake up one day, turn on your radio, which for some reason is no longer set to Hair Nation on sirius/xm, and find that a song has been written about you. You will learn how awful of a person you are, and how you have ruined Taylor Swift's life. Quite a burden to carry for dinner and a movie. (you probably made the mistake of taking her to see the Red Dawn remake.) The worst part is that the entire world is going to hear that song about a million times in the first week alone; Taylor Swift will win some lame award for the song, and you, sir, fine upstanding citizen of our planet, you will be lucky to ever date again.
Fortunately, we are blessed with "intelligence for your life" form John Tesh. On second thought, I have no clue what that means. Well, I have to go and re-implant my brain. Off to the car where i can cleanse my brain with some Led Zeppelin. Now there is some intelligence for your life. Classic.
As I sit here in the office with very little to do (i have completed the daily crossword, and have increased my knowledge of the world by reading Yahoo news) I have become aware of the fact that we listen to a local station that plays pop music.
you are welcome for getting that little gem stuck in your head.
I will admit that I do like quite a number of the numbers played on this station. (like how i demonstrated why our language is so hard to learn?) However, I have discovered hell. Just how many times in one day can a person listen to "moves like jagger" before they lose all sense of self? or want to go and make sure jagger can no longer move at all so Maroon 5 will stop singing about it. (fyi-probably my least favorite song on the planet). I can guarantee you that Sisyphus may have had to push that boulder up a hill all day long just to have it fall back to the bottom of the hill, but that is not what got to him. Not even close. Sisyphus would have gladly pushed multiple boulders up that hill if only Zeus would stop playing Gotye's "someone that i used to know" over and over and over and over...well you get the point.
As awful as it is to hear the same songs all day long, and quite frankly i could probably set my watch by the times that said songs are played each day, I have learned at least one valuable lesson. NEVER, EVER, NEVER, date Taylor Swift. I don't care if she is the last woman on Earth, and you are the last man on Earth. Not even if she is the apple of your eye. Especially not if you have completely lost your mind because you made the mistake of going to work with Sisyphus and you also had to hear Gotye 5000 times in a row. Dating her will start off great. You will have the time of your life as you navigate your way through the wonderful world of fame and fortune, but just know that you are going to wake up one day, turn on your radio, which for some reason is no longer set to Hair Nation on sirius/xm, and find that a song has been written about you. You will learn how awful of a person you are, and how you have ruined Taylor Swift's life. Quite a burden to carry for dinner and a movie. (you probably made the mistake of taking her to see the Red Dawn remake.) The worst part is that the entire world is going to hear that song about a million times in the first week alone; Taylor Swift will win some lame award for the song, and you, sir, fine upstanding citizen of our planet, you will be lucky to ever date again.
Fortunately, we are blessed with "intelligence for your life" form John Tesh. On second thought, I have no clue what that means. Well, I have to go and re-implant my brain. Off to the car where i can cleanse my brain with some Led Zeppelin. Now there is some intelligence for your life. Classic.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Round and Round
Let me begin by saying that I appreciate the support I have been given in my blogging endeavors. That being said,I would be most appreciative if any of you bloggers can tell me how to get my blog to automatically show up on my Facebook page when I post a new blog.
One might think that after a stellar Presidential debate last night that it would be all I can talk about today. While that is tempting, I try to stay fairly apolitical in public venues. It has been my experience that what begins as cordial, political discourse usually will quickly transform into otherwise rational folks becoming somewhat belligerent. Frankly, it is simply too early in the morning for that.
Therefore, today I intend to return to discussing movies. (I swear I will not talk about movies all the time.) However, after my ranting about lack of new ideas in Hollywood I began to think about the last good movies that I did watch in the theater. The most recent movies that I went to see are: "Looper," "Trouble With the Curve," and "Argo." I have to admit that overall I was pleased with all 3 movies.
Looper: here's the feel good movie of the year! I confess that I find movies that include time travel interesting. I like to see how the writer handles the conflict and trouble that time travel can create. My initial thought about the movie was: "huh, now here's a job I'm sure I could do." Now don't call the authorities just yet; I have no intention of shooting people sent back in time by the mob. The application process is a bit too onerous for me. My second thought while watching the movie was: Joseph Gordon-Levitt looked like he should be in a rock-a-billy band rather than shooting people in a corn field, but then I've never really met anyone that shoots people in a corn field so what do i know. I was surprised that I enjoyed this movie as much as I did as it had great potential to be a clunker. The ending was a bit of a surprise, and frankly I would have had a different ending. Maybe that is why I fix teeth and don't write screenplays.
Trouble With the Curve: Amy Adams is in it need I say more? Predictable ending, but I'm a sucker for these kind of movies for some reason. Anything that deals with the relationship between a father and daughter gets me a little choked up. Don't be fooled by the gruff exterior, I'm a softie at heart. Not sure I would spend the dinero to see this movie at the theater (oh wait, i already have.), but it's worth watching at some point in your life. Apparently, I did feel the need to say more, but seriously...Amy Adams I would watch her sit and drink coffee.
Argo: SPOILER ALERT- I am not convinced that the 6 hostages really listened to Led Zeppelin in the Canadian Ambassadors home, but then I was not there. I was surprised at how tense I was during the movie. I know how the story ends, heck I watched it on tv when I was much younger, but for some reason I found myself tense and unsure if they would make it or not. Which I suppose means that it was a good movie.
Maybe there is some hope for Hollywood. MAYBE
One might think that after a stellar Presidential debate last night that it would be all I can talk about today. While that is tempting, I try to stay fairly apolitical in public venues. It has been my experience that what begins as cordial, political discourse usually will quickly transform into otherwise rational folks becoming somewhat belligerent. Frankly, it is simply too early in the morning for that.
Therefore, today I intend to return to discussing movies. (I swear I will not talk about movies all the time.) However, after my ranting about lack of new ideas in Hollywood I began to think about the last good movies that I did watch in the theater. The most recent movies that I went to see are: "Looper," "Trouble With the Curve," and "Argo." I have to admit that overall I was pleased with all 3 movies.
Looper: here's the feel good movie of the year! I confess that I find movies that include time travel interesting. I like to see how the writer handles the conflict and trouble that time travel can create. My initial thought about the movie was: "huh, now here's a job I'm sure I could do." Now don't call the authorities just yet; I have no intention of shooting people sent back in time by the mob. The application process is a bit too onerous for me. My second thought while watching the movie was: Joseph Gordon-Levitt looked like he should be in a rock-a-billy band rather than shooting people in a corn field, but then I've never really met anyone that shoots people in a corn field so what do i know. I was surprised that I enjoyed this movie as much as I did as it had great potential to be a clunker. The ending was a bit of a surprise, and frankly I would have had a different ending. Maybe that is why I fix teeth and don't write screenplays.
Trouble With the Curve: Amy Adams is in it need I say more? Predictable ending, but I'm a sucker for these kind of movies for some reason. Anything that deals with the relationship between a father and daughter gets me a little choked up. Don't be fooled by the gruff exterior, I'm a softie at heart. Not sure I would spend the dinero to see this movie at the theater (oh wait, i already have.), but it's worth watching at some point in your life. Apparently, I did feel the need to say more, but seriously...Amy Adams I would watch her sit and drink coffee.
Argo: SPOILER ALERT- I am not convinced that the 6 hostages really listened to Led Zeppelin in the Canadian Ambassadors home, but then I was not there. I was surprised at how tense I was during the movie. I know how the story ends, heck I watched it on tv when I was much younger, but for some reason I found myself tense and unsure if they would make it or not. Which I suppose means that it was a good movie.
Maybe there is some hope for Hollywood. MAYBE
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Burn Hollywood Burn
I have always loved going to a movie theater to see movies. There is something about sitting in a large, dark room with a ginormous screen in front of you that makes a movie more exciting than watching it on your tv while lounging on the couch. Although, I have learned that movie theaters frown upon sitting around in your underwear to watch their movies, so watching a movie at home does have some limited advantages over the theater experience.
Over the years I have learned to enjoy going to the movies on my own. However, it is possible that I have merely come to embrace the fact that I am single, and therefore I simply tell myself that going to the movies by myself is in fact extremely enjoyable. When possible, I try to go to a mid-week matinee so that I can save a few dollars, and probably be the only one in the theater at that time. (which makes me wonder why they care if I sit around in my underwear since no one is around.)
Lately, I have become a bit disillusioned with Hollywood. This disillusionment began a few years ago when all of the movies I took my daughter to see had to be in 3-D. Honestly, I do not see where 3-D adds to the movie experience in any way. Whoopity-Doo it looks like parts of the movie are coming out of the screen. I just don't see how that is worth an extra 5 bucks for my ticket. (you ladies may have enjoyed Magic Mike more if it were in 3-D, but then again maybe not). I really did not have a problem with the movies being made in 3-D, but felt like the reasoning behind it was to get more money out of me the consumer, and less about improving the movie-going experience. A return of smell-o-vision might be more agreeable.
The second step towards disenchantment with Hollywood stems from their need to remake movies. As I sat through what felt like hours of previews during my last visit to the theater my attention was nabbed by a preview for the movie "Red Dawn." About the only good thing the original "Red Dawn" has going for it is that it is a humorous look back at our paranoia in regards to the Soviet Union, and that it had a couple of hot women in it. Not really enough to warrant a remake. Add in remakes of "Footloose," "Clash of the Titans," "Conan the Barbarian," "True Grit," "Total Recall," (the list goes on) it makes one wonder if Hollywood has either given up on new ideas, or they think we are just dumb enough to pay to go see movies that we have already seen. A quick google search will show you that at least 50 more remakes are in the works for the upcoming years. I don't want to see "Dirty Dancing" again, and if I did I would want to watch the original version at home, on my couch, on a Sunday afternoon when I have nothing better to do; not at the theater where I have to now spend 10 bucks to see it, because apparently the 5 bucks I spent to see it 25 years ago was not enough.
The final straw for me (which proves Hollywood believes that if they show it we will come) is that now Hollywood has begun to re-release kids movies...in 3-D!!!! Not even a remake, just a change in format, same story. I liked "Monsters Inc." very much, in fact I own the DVD, but I have no desire to spend 15 bucks to now see it in 3-D.
All I am asking for is something new. The only people coming out with new story-lines at the theater are those making horror movies, and that really is not my cup of tea. Surely, there has to be some young screen-writers out there that would love to have one of their stories on the big screen, and are probably even willing to have it released in 3-D or smell-o-vision (or...gasp...both). It is disappointing to have to choose between a remake of "Arthur" and "The Thing" for my movie theater fix.
Now if you will pardon me, "Real Genius" is on tv for the 30th time this week, and I must watch it...again.
Over the years I have learned to enjoy going to the movies on my own. However, it is possible that I have merely come to embrace the fact that I am single, and therefore I simply tell myself that going to the movies by myself is in fact extremely enjoyable. When possible, I try to go to a mid-week matinee so that I can save a few dollars, and probably be the only one in the theater at that time. (which makes me wonder why they care if I sit around in my underwear since no one is around.)
Lately, I have become a bit disillusioned with Hollywood. This disillusionment began a few years ago when all of the movies I took my daughter to see had to be in 3-D. Honestly, I do not see where 3-D adds to the movie experience in any way. Whoopity-Doo it looks like parts of the movie are coming out of the screen. I just don't see how that is worth an extra 5 bucks for my ticket. (you ladies may have enjoyed Magic Mike more if it were in 3-D, but then again maybe not). I really did not have a problem with the movies being made in 3-D, but felt like the reasoning behind it was to get more money out of me the consumer, and less about improving the movie-going experience. A return of smell-o-vision might be more agreeable.
The second step towards disenchantment with Hollywood stems from their need to remake movies. As I sat through what felt like hours of previews during my last visit to the theater my attention was nabbed by a preview for the movie "Red Dawn." About the only good thing the original "Red Dawn" has going for it is that it is a humorous look back at our paranoia in regards to the Soviet Union, and that it had a couple of hot women in it. Not really enough to warrant a remake. Add in remakes of "Footloose," "Clash of the Titans," "Conan the Barbarian," "True Grit," "Total Recall," (the list goes on) it makes one wonder if Hollywood has either given up on new ideas, or they think we are just dumb enough to pay to go see movies that we have already seen. A quick google search will show you that at least 50 more remakes are in the works for the upcoming years. I don't want to see "Dirty Dancing" again, and if I did I would want to watch the original version at home, on my couch, on a Sunday afternoon when I have nothing better to do; not at the theater where I have to now spend 10 bucks to see it, because apparently the 5 bucks I spent to see it 25 years ago was not enough.
The final straw for me (which proves Hollywood believes that if they show it we will come) is that now Hollywood has begun to re-release kids movies...in 3-D!!!! Not even a remake, just a change in format, same story. I liked "Monsters Inc." very much, in fact I own the DVD, but I have no desire to spend 15 bucks to now see it in 3-D.
All I am asking for is something new. The only people coming out with new story-lines at the theater are those making horror movies, and that really is not my cup of tea. Surely, there has to be some young screen-writers out there that would love to have one of their stories on the big screen, and are probably even willing to have it released in 3-D or smell-o-vision (or...gasp...both). It is disappointing to have to choose between a remake of "Arthur" and "The Thing" for my movie theater fix.
Now if you will pardon me, "Real Genius" is on tv for the 30th time this week, and I must watch it...again.
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